Sunday, March 30, 2008

“Map out your future - but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.”

Been a busy week yes first with finishing tasks so that I can get away with my holiday trip to sin city ;)

“Take away the motive, and the sin is taken away”

Planning and yet making sure things are going at its pace ;)!

“In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip.” ~ Daniel L Reardon

This was a long weekend for me after Thanks giving and driving was an awesome experience for me to know the streets of America!
Sin city is also called as Las Vegas or vice a versa :D but yet everyone tends to visit this place. I feel any one who is away from sin also may get into the pool of sin hahaha kidding but yes, certain things as an experience is not bad but which one is for you to decide ;)

“Society does not punish those who sin, but those who sin and conceal not cleverly” ~ Elbert Hubbard

I was stunned with nature’s creation one of the greatest wonder – Grand Canyon. I remember when I used to study Geology, things were so crystal clear when my professors Dr Sarkar and Pardeshi Sir used to teach me that I always scored 100% and looking at this they always inspired me to specialize in Geology though I took the magic world of Chemistry but they always told me that you will go to California to do more study on rocks if you take Geology as your main subject!

All those layers and precipitation of rocks and water inside the sedimentary rocks brought my memories back yet the same feeling of getting the solace when I looked at those real wonder of Mother Nature. I am going to add pictures which I took there.

Let’s see how much justice my camera did ;)

“The ship that will not obey the helm will have to obey the rocks.”

Being in Arizona not only made me feel good but it reminded me my home in Toronto :D yes!!! That was my best moment!!!

Driving back to home is another pleasure as no matter where you go you feel at home only at home ;)

“You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it's all right.” ~Maya Angelou

Thursday, March 20, 2008

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”

I used to wait for the days when in school I used to get holiday for Easter, Holi as
separately. This time when I see everything coming together its kind of a season of

“Truly loving another means letting go of all expectations. It means full acceptance, even celebration of another's personhood.”

Holi is color of festival in most part of India and I happened to see this movie ‘Black &
White’ a Subhash Ghai’s movie.

This time from the beginning of this movie I was telling myself this movie is like so many other movies based on terrorism, Afghan war and what not! But as the movie was progressing it took a different turn altogether.

Two things I liked about this movie- first of all the Director’s message- that there are other colors also in life besides black and white…try to see that through your own eyes.
I think a very beautiful thing is said and is something very meaningful with depth in it.
I would say watching movie will help understand this element.

“Artists can color the sky red because they know it's blue. Those of us who aren't artists must color things the way they really are or people might think we're stupid.” ~ Jules Feiffer

So true I realized as I was writing my Hindi poetry on the occasion of Holi and I remembered how as a kid when friends used to color me with all different color and later when I used to reach home, my mom used to get mad at me and to avoid that look I used to go and take shower but the colors never used to go in one day :).
That time it didn’t made any sense but today when I think of it…I feel how those different colors in the mixed form used to stay together no matter what you try hard to wash it away but still they used to be so strong.

“Poetry is the impish attempt to paint the color of the wind.” ~ Maxwell Bodenheim

Today you look at us, we human all are same just because of some divisions, made by man whether its religion, color or race – we can’t even stand together forget about the strength.

Second thing that I liked about the movie ‘Black & White’ is that it’s different than what one would imagine – as a typical Hindi movie :)!!!

This is like a book that you are reading and each time you get to a new chapter there is something that adds up to your knowledge. Anil Kapoor that actor as usual has shined in his matured role as a Urdu Professor who is a Hindu by religion yet changes a terrorist guy to change his mind and awaken him about the facts of the radical moments and elements that causes pain to people and its country.
I would like to wish everyone a Happy, Colorful yet Peaceful Holi…..unite like the true colors in the sky – like one rainbow.
“The thing about performance, even if it's only an illusion, is that it is a celebration of the fact that we do contain within ourselves infinite possibilities.” ~ Sydney Smith

Saturday, March 15, 2008

“Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image”

Lately, I have been analyzing things as why certain people behave in certain manner and when I ask people say it might be ‘Jealousy’.

“In jealousy there is more of self-love than love.” ~ Francois de la Rochefoucauld

I wondered…why Jealous? What is the reason behind it?

I think ‘jealous’ is the final product. The ingredients are inferiority, failure and lack of confidence in self.
A person never tries to give up any opportunity where he/she is trying hard to harm someone and yet he/she gets unsuccessful as the evilness of that jealousy is not satisfied.

“Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment”

I am not sure if you have come across people whom you can clearly see that they are jealous of other person or so. It can be anything, a friend getting jealous of her own best friend due to her popularity, her success or may be she is liked by most of the people. It can be between husband and wife; it can be between siblings too.

“The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do.” ~ John W. Holt Jr.
Don’t we see kids get jealous when they see there parents are kissing or hugging the little one, the elder kid will rush to the parents saying – no, give me hug and kiss…and this is a very cute behavior that we see as it’s the naïve feeling of that child.
But when a person is grown up to be called as an adult and yet the feelings are such where one can feel that this person is not comfortable as he might have lot of dreams and ambitions in life but instead of putting his/her effort in fulfilling those, they see their immediate people around them, which could be family, friends or colleagues and see that they all are happy in what they are doing…this happiness shows them as if they all are successful and this person himself is not.

“Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Similarly, there are other phases of people behavior which I call as hypocrite :)
Have you ever come across where a person will talk to you as if nothing has happened yet behind they will complain or have a deadly plan to hurt the other person?
“The hypocrite who always plays one and the same part ceases at last to be a hypocrite”

These are all the analysis but then there should be a solution to it…I think the person who is suffering should get treated but what others can do about whom these diseased people are attacking…?

Ignorance should be the first attempt, I feel but how long?

“The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about”

Sunday, March 09, 2008

We learn from history that we do not learn anything from history

This weekend even though was a bit hectic; I had my bit of relaxation by watching the movie “Jodha Akbar”. Frankly speaking I had my reservations based on the reviews that I was reading along and the ban in some parts of the country to release this movie.

“We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world - or to make it the last.” ~ John Fitzgerald

But still, a person who likes to watch movie of any language, this isn’t a bad treat at all :)
Sincerely, speaking a lot of value which this movie adds in, looking at today’s situation in the country. I think even in those days, people were there who used to think of peace and considered human as human and not divide them into some religion etc.

“Feeling and longing are the motive forces behind all human endeavor and human creations.” ~ Albert Einstein
I think looking at the picture, world needs a person like the Akbar. Who sincerely, thought for his country and the people, irrespective of their religion and beliefs? He loved like anyone else and this movie is all about a common man that was residing in those day’s emperor of Hindustan – Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar :D

“How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?” ~ Albert Einstein

I am not sure of if ever Akbar really had a queen named Jodha Bai or not…but what ever historical story they have brought has definitely a meaning for today’s mass.
The songs didn’t make that big impact until I saw this movie. Every song has a relation to the movie and it is no doubt awesome.
Its good to watch this movie as many times due to many political reasons, lot of things are not taught in schools or even told by elders. This movie has come after lot of research work and its worth it :)

This movie definitely has a moral to teach people how to think and love each other as a human. Besides, this the actors and the music directors and the makers of this movie Ashutosh Gowarikar (Lagaan’s director), they all have done an awesome job.

“The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” ~ Bertrand Russell

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” ;)

Yes, I am so busy now a days that I hardly get time to say 'Hello' to my friends :)
I hence came by to say to you all that I miss you all and do think about you all ...its just that time is a bit too short on me for lot of things to finish :D

“We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we begin with the end in mind.”

Yes thats to give an end to my tasks and the process is on ;)
Thanks for all your support and comments on the blog....soon I will be visiting to yours too :)

Have a wonderful one you all

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