Monday, November 02, 2015

Hit the ball hard so it bounce back fast and harder...!!!

Life is simple sometimes we make it complicated. I remember writing these lines in one of my blog post long time ago. 

Indeed, life is simple but human mind is very complicated and so does one make the life too.
Things happen for a reason, sometimes you think you are helping but then one need not be helping to all those who need help! 

Yes, everyone has their cup of tea to drink and I should also focus on my cup. There might be many who wants to drink from that cup but we shouldn't change our focus in offering that cup. 

I did and didn't figure out until I was caught that I gave the cup. 
Many times you have to be caught to make realize that mistake. 

The first thing is to accept that you did it and then you process it. There is suffering and pain that you will go through as part of healing. How fast you get out is individual based. 

I am here to rise back... with full force by killing all fears and be that support to life and those who are my loved ones. 
When the world is your loved ones, it doesn't matter beyond that who it is. Because the loved ones are the only one who cares for you and helps to heal it.

I am here to heal and Dawn will rise...!

~ Dawn

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Day of the dead!!!

Been the source of life 
Friend too to all
One day came and
It wrecked it so bad
That moment came in 
Where earth had to spilt
Yet It didn't to my wonder
At times one need to be caught
To realize a mistake
That breaks everything 
Hearts, relations and emotions!!


A Tale of Two Feminist Narratives

Cinema has long been a powerful medium to challenge societal norms, and both The Great Indian Kitchen (2021, Malayalam) and Mrs (2024, Hin...