Yes, Saturday we planned to go to the 'Pebble's Beach'. Its a long drive and also when you reach there its 17 miles with in where you can see different points as nature's creation....the Bird Rock, China Rock, and the different views of the sea and the beach from different heights...and the thick forest...wow...it is indeed a scenic view and worth watching them!!!
“All great work is preparing yourself for the accident to happen.”
It was awesome with the trip and we were returning back on the high-way when suddenly a car hit us from behind...& then it was one by one the other hits....on the road we had a roller coster ride...believe me...I thought this is it :)...its worth to hold eachother..and say good bye ;)
"Where is the Good in goodbye?"
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
As we were in the middle of the road getting dashed by every other car that was passing by....it was obvious there is no return...& a moment came when I felt we are stable on the ground.
“Neither can the wave that has passed by be recalled, nor the hour which has passed return again.” ~ Ovid
Yes, it was a ride for me...some gals were chasing a group of guys and it landed on our car..!!!
The gal kept on saying 'sorry' and I was like ...saying in my mind....
'sorry doesn't makes a dead person alive' ~ Dawn
This is something I always say to my friends and near dear ones...:) and they all tease me to be so perfectionist....but all I wanted to say to the gal was....there fun could make someone's funeral program...!!!
“Don't learn safety rules simply by accident”
And till date the gal lives in guilty as...she keeps on calling to make sure if everyone is fine.
“To take upon oneself not punishment, but guilt - that alone would be godlike” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
The first time I got my driving license I was told....'Driving is a priviledge, not a right'
I understood what it meant but how many do?
Am back...live as Dawn...yet to look forward for another surprising day :)
“Change should be a friend. It should happen by plan, not by accident.”
Last but not least....:)
“Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the ground”