Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love

Yes, its holiday season's and I would like to wish all my near dear friends and family ~

"Season's Greetings To All"

As you can see the festive ocassion brings so many surprises and happiness and I love this time as it gives an opportunity to be with your friends and family to share those joyous moments and make them feel we are still there caring and loving you all :)

Before the ice is in the pools,
Before the skaters go,
Or any cheek at nightfall
Is tarnished by the snow,
Before the fields have finished,
Before the Christmas tree,
Wonder upon wonder
Will arrive to me! ~ Emily Dickinson


Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays

I guess I liked your other theme for your blog

Sunil Parashar said...

Hello Dawn!!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year.:).
Enjoy your holidays.


krystyna said...

Hi Dawn!
Happy New Year
may your dreams come true!

Sigma said...

Very nice and apt!

A nice blog with a nice introduction!

mystic rose said...


happy new year!

Anonymous said...

seasons greetings!

Michelle said...

sorry it came as anonymous by mistake

Vipul said...

Hey dawnnnnnnnn season's greetings to u may u have a rockin time

Manish Kumar said...

Are waah lambi chuttiyaan chal rahi hain yahan to! Best wishes for u & ur family for New Year .

rachana said...

hi dawn wishing you a v happy new year!!

Cyberkitty said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Dawn said...

vinod: Thank you and hope you had a good one too! I wish you the best for the coming year and the future ones too :D
I guess…change sometimes is needed ;)

sunil parmar: Thanks so much dear for remembering me! Let me wish the best for the coming year and the ones that will come in future :D

krystyna: Thank you so much dear…I wish the best to you!

sigma: Welcome to my world dear…and am glad you liked this place…pls do come again

mystic rose: Thanks dear…Happy New Year to you too

michelle: Thanks dear and I wish the best for you too

vipul: Thanks dear…and I hope you had a good one too ;)
Wish you peace health and lots of happiness

manish: Chuti to nahi lekin haan mehamaan nawazi ho bhi rahi hai aur kar bhi rahe hein ;) Happy New Year to you and everyone in the family

rachana: Thanks my dear and I wish the best for you in this and all the years that’s coming ahead

cyberkitty: Thank you so much dear for remembering me :D!
I wish you a very happy peaceful and healthy new year

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