Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm

I have seen many movies on World War II and Holocaust movies too, and always wondered these are all the tortures that people went through and the Jews who were targeted and were mass murdered; but no one to come back from those place and tell there experience as what they were and what they went through in the concentration camps and later if they survived how they were treated!!!

“Anything, anything would be better than this agony of mind, this creeping pain that gnaws and fumbles and caresses one and never hurts quite enough”
When this movie ‘Fateless’ (directed by Lajos Koltai ) started, I didn’t know it is about the Holocaust! As it proceeded my interest grew upon this metropolitan teen who like any of us, living a carefree life with family where not much related to religion etc. All of a sudden he is separated from his family as part of the rushed and random deportation of his city’s large Jewish population. He is brought to a concentration camp where his existence becomes an adventurous yet a lesson for adaptation. He is not sure if he is the victim of his captors, or of an absurd destiny that metes out salvation and suffering arbitrarily.

“Fate is a misconseption, it's only a cover-up for the fact you don't have control over your own life.”
When he returns home after the liberation, he misses the sense of community he experienced in the camps, feeling alienated from both his Christian neighbors who turned a blind eye to his fate, and the Jewish family friends who avoided deportation and who now want to put the war behind them.

“Suffering, once accepted, loses its edge, for the terror of it lessens, and what remains is generally far more manageable than we had imagined.”

It was sad yet a lesson through the experience of a teen…I really liked the kind of message this movie has sent across!

“The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different.” ~ Aldous Huxley

For a very little time our new Bond- Daniel Craig, when as an American soldier reaches there, he offers the teen to come to USA and study and build a better future but he chooses otherwise to be with his family, community and his country but what he gets from them really left him with a feeling of ‘hatred’

“Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.” ~ Buddha

If you have patience and a dare devil heart, (as at one scene I just couldn’t watch it and got off my seat for a walk), do watch it, you will like it.

“Suffering is the price of being alive, and it is music and singing and art that has helped me live through some of the most difficult things that have happened to me” ~ Judy Collins


മര്‍ത്ത്യന്‍ said...

Good words,

Could have avoided the third picture, many would find it very difficult to see

Keshi said...

Interesting! Must-watch then and I think I can. TY Dawny HUGGGGGGGZ!


Art said...

Very interesting... I haven't heard of this before but it sounds like somehting we would see.

And I love that quote from the Buddha... unalterable!

Deepak Gopi said...

I think I should watch it.

Anonymous said...

it sounds interesting, i think i should watch it, but mayb i would just close my eyes in those gruesome scenes.....

Manish Kumar said...

thx for sharing !

`NEFTY said...

I don't think I saw/heard of those movies but I did see some halocaust movies, interesting && scary reality!

Michelle said...

i would love to watch fateless...i like intense movies!

Shiva said...

A good suggestion.Lemme give it a try.

Shades said...

i think i should watch it...thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...

mystic rose said...

that was a wonderful review!!

and i loved the quotes you chose.

i must see this movie now. :)

david santos said...

Thanks for you work and have a good weekend

krystyna said...

Hi Dawn!
Thanks for this reviev. I have to watch this movie.
Smart quotes.
Have a peaceful and happy weekend!

Cyberkitty said...

Good review, though its not my kind of a movie !

Dawn said...

marthyan: Thanks …but I didn’t feel this was a difficult scene at least in this picture…yeah in movie it is.

keshi: Thanks dear

art: Thanks so much dear and if you get a chance do watch …u may like it

deepak gopi: Yes you should :D

shammu: Yes sometimes we do have to :D

manish: Your welcome :D

nefty: Welcome dear! Yes the fact is it was real and ppl did suffer…its very sad and painful what people had to go through in those times… and no one to rescue in this whole world…imagine a situation for us!!! Thanks for ur comment dear
Pls do come again

michelle: I guess then you must see this one

shiva: And let me hear ur review too :D

shades of twilight: your welcome dear

mystic rose: Thanks dear …

david santos: Thank you dear and I hope u had a good one too

krystyna: Thanks dear and you have a good one too

cyberkitty: I can understand dear…thanks

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