Saturday, June 21, 2008

“The world will little note nor long remember what we say here.”

Dear Friends,

I want to thank you all for your continuous support. I feel so happy to say my friend ‘Shiva’ who has surprised me with his highest orders and the great thing about it is that my book will be the inspiration for him to understand Hindi :D

Yes, I was so surprised when I came to know that he can read Hindi because its taught in school but doesn’t understand well…but he ordered 15 books and more in the process…!

Shiva, I personally owe you a lot …as you are helping the good cause behind this and I really salute for that.

“Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.” ~ Boris Pasternak

I also want to let you all know when I added my book to sell on eBay here in US – I accidentally added to the auction format and it went for bidding. I couldn’t withdraw as I can not do that. One of my friend 'Nissidhi' and “surprise, stranger" called ‘Save on Books’ they both were bidding and finally ‘Save on Books’ bought the book for $24.50.

Again, this came as a surprise to me, as I was trying to find out who is this :D?
Yes, I have often seen my dears give me surprises and this was another one ;)

Thank you to all my dears and yes, the book is on sale for people in India on eBay India.
You can buy from here straight, check out:

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” ~ Albert Pike

Your support and encouraging words have given me strength to work on my next book.
This time its not poetry and this will be in English ;) but my love for Hindi language will definitely translate this too.

Please be on my side….

“We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.” ~ Mother Teresa

Sunday, June 15, 2008

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it

Today is Father’s day and I can write a book on my father – yes, as I have learnt things in life looking at him, learning from his actions and yes I am known as ‘I am like my dad’ and I feel proud about it.

“One father is more than a hundred Schoolemasters.” ~George Herbert

But today I am here to share something which always will remain in my heart as other things remain still in my heart about my dad :D

I remember the day I got my first copy of my book “Khawabon Ki Zameen” to edit and everyone at home was fighting to grab it and feel it :D….I could only hold to it and just run the pages ….but my dad…when he got it he just sat there with it and read till 20 pages at one sitting :D….I think I saw my fan….my inspiration there!!!!

Yes, my dad always did this and that’s why I am where I am because of him.
This morning I got this mail saying my blog has won the "Blog of the Day Award", which I would like to dedicate to my Dad :)

Blog Awards Winner

“A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.” ~Enid Bagnold

I love you dad, I always do.

I have sent my released book as a gift to my dad for father’s day :)

Happy Father’s Day to every dad….

“Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name.” ~William Wordsworth

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How beautiful a day can be, When kindness touches it!

When one is in need whom do we call? Probably, God!

Yes, I also called and in the form of my friends, the blessings were showered and my prayers were heard.

I would like to thank you all for all the support and the help that you are doing to make me sell this book and help the kids who are in need.

“One can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind.” ~Malayan Proverb

I have received many queries related to buying this book.
I want to tell my friends, I am taking baby steps :). My books currently where ever you are in India, we will make sure you receive it at the earliest. My counterpart in India is managing everything very well.

As I have given the emails addresses ( , and ) to order the books.

We will need your mailing address and your phone number as well as for courier purposes this is one of the aspects that are required by the courier companies.

I have decided to give frequent updates about the book here such that my friends who are helping me and supporting me will also know where we stand together!!!

For convenience purpose, I am making this book available through eBay such that payment of the book is handled by itself. The book has been published and I am waiting for my consignment to arrive in US.

For my friends in US, I will say please give me some time as I will be making those deliveries for the orders that you have made.

The response is very good and I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.

eBay Store:

“I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom.”

Sunday, June 08, 2008

“Friends are angels sent down to earth to make good days and help us find our way.”

Friends I feel very happy to say today that finally my Hindi poetry book “Khawabon Ki Zameen” (Land of dreams), is ready and you can order this book by sending mail to me: or to my Manager (my dear friend): /

Check out @eBay:

This book will be costing only Rs. 85/- and shipping charges for people in India and for people outside of India will cost for $ 9.00 US.

As I have said this is my dream and publishing this book not only gives me an opportunity to give some thing back to the community but also fulfills my dream to help children.

“Power is no blessing in itself, except when it is used to protect the innocent.” ~ Jonathan Swift

It was my childhood dream to sponsor a kid and each time I looked for an opportunity, either the kid stopped going to school or the money was used for some other purpose.

I think for any country’s future the children have the biggest responsibility as they are the future and this book gives me that opportunity to fulfill my wish by helping kids.

Yes 20% of the amount that I get from this book will be given to an Orphanage “International Child Welfare Service” in Chennai, India. They have many programs and one of them is called as “Dawn and Dusk Home, A Home for the HIV+ children”, - those kids who were born with it not because of their fault.

You can read about this at this website:

As always your support and prayers I need the most to fulfill my dream.
Please also tell your friends and family who can read Hindi to support and also people who would love to read Hindi- can also support this book :) and the kids.

“One hundred years from now
It will not matter
What kind of car I drive,
What kind of house I lived in,
How much I had in my bank
Nor what my clothes looked like.

One hundred years from now
It will not matter
What kind of school I attended,
What kind of typewriter I used,
How large or small my church,
But the world may be
…a little better because…
I was important in the
Life of a child.” ~ ICWS

“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” ~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can”

I was tagged by Jyotsana and I liked it because its about books :)
Getting an opportunity to read a book is really I feel a blessing as its very busy schedule these days where I am not able to specifically dedicate any time for books but passion for reading always finds it – isn’t it?

The name of the book is “The Worldly Philosophers” by Robert L. Heilbroner.

On page 123 the 6th line onwards is as:

“But no one would shirk work, for each would do what he best liked. Thus the problem of dirty work was solved by asking who liked to do dirty work. The children, of course. So there would be Little Hordes who would go off gaily to the slaughterhouses or to mend the roads and have the time of their lives. And for the minority of children who shrank from dirty work, there would be Little Bands who would tend the flowers and correct their parents’ bad pronunciation.”

Okay friends so the tag is about the book that you might be reading – go to the page 123 and skip the first five lines and please quote on your post from the 6th line onwards.

“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” ~ Mark Twain

I felt this tag is good in a way where after reading few lines it might generate the curiosity in reader’s mind and probably they will grab that book to read …;)
Nice way to make one read isn’t it?

Friends who are reading books can join this tag…;)

Enjoy the weekend friends

“We shouldn't teach great books; we should teach a love of reading.” ~ B.F. Skinner

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

“Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”

Its still not time – another month to wait for me to take off for my vacation but the soothing feeling of it makes more enjoyable and pleasant – just like the moment when you are in love with someone ;)

Yes, the moment I think of travelling to different places (one of my passion) and the friends that I will meet – it’s just a very rejuvenating and a nostalgic feeling too with all the memories.

Learning from my past experience that I would make sure I will not repeat is ~ not to spend unnecessarily …lol!
Can you stick to that? I guess if one has the will power one can isn’t it?

Of all I am lately more focused on fulfilling my dreams – when I say dreams it’s not only about my book but about my motor riding passion too ;)
Yes, I know when people hear this they think – bike riding gals are bad…don’t know why but that’s a strange feeling for me as places where people can’t afford cars they go by two-wheelers and I understand it’s a luxury at this part of the world but that shouldn’t stop me with my love for bikes – isn’t it?

“Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart.”

At the end of my life all I want to remember is where all I travelled and what all I did ~ cherishing those moments and in the rocking chair in front of my house with mountains and lovely nature view where the sun might be near to set and I would say lets wait for Dawn until then….its dream time ;)

“There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion of life.” ~ Federico Fellini

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