Friday, September 20, 2013

Alpha-Floral Carpet

I had a great opportunity to translate a Malayalam poem into English.

Though I am a believer that anything written in original language has it's own essence and often when we try to translate it to other languages it looses it's essence and depth.

Having said that, when someone asked me to do this, I took that as a honor and here it is... I hope I am able to justify 1% of it at least :) in awe of my readers !!!!

When words and alphabets started chasing me,
To write a Onam song ... 
I couldn't write...
But before they could get upset with me 
I arranged them one by one unfolding to a floral carpet...... 
And then they didnt bother me at all .... :)

~ Dawn

The malayalam version of it is below for the Malayalam Readers

കുറേ അഷരങ്ങൾ ഒച്ചവെച്ചു കൊണ്ട് എന്റെ പിറകെ നടന്നു ഒരോണ പാട്ടെഴുതാൻ എനിക്ക് എഴുതാനേ പറ്റിയില്ല പക്ഷെ അവർ പിണങ്ങുന്നതിനു മുൻപ് എല്ലാവരേയും പെറുക്കി പെറുക്കി വെച്ച് ഒരു അത്തപ്പൂക്കളം ഉണ്ടാക്കി പിന്നെ അവർ മിണ്ടിയിട്ടേയില്ല
~ Thampy Antony Thekkek

Friday, September 06, 2013

“Part of me suspects that I'm a loser, and the other part of me thinks I'm God Almighty.”

Talk about taking over and how it gets done slowly no one even realizes it, until one day!!!
Yes, that’s how Shekhar was…! He always had his way and his needs, which needed to be fulfilled first, and then he would think of others.
Not that he was totally selfish but certain times his acts were so self-centered that he was not able to figure out but it was clearly seen by others.
Shekhar’s girlfriend, Rita was a straightforward person. She cared for others and was very open about things that she sees unusual in behavior or so. One day she pointed out and talk about it, the man’s ego got hurt.
He stopped talking to Rita for sometime, even though Rita could understand his ego and used to text him and calls him on the phone. He ignored Rita for quiet sometime and Rita also let go thinking let him come back once he is at peace with his ego.

I mean how many of us we find such people in our daily life and if as a goodwill gesture you want to help them by being a good friend and tell them or show them about it, they just get so furious and upset about it.

I mean people say we are open about receiving criticism but the truth is no one takes it in the right way. The first thing is about their ego. No one thinks that let me see why someone gave me that kind of feedback… is there any truth in it? If so, why not rectify or correct it?

How can man thinks that they cannot go wrong anytime and they easily point fingers at others.
Rita stopped calling Shekhar and one day accidentally they met each other at a restaurant.
Shekhar looked at her and said, ‘Hi Rita!

Rita: Hi Shekhar, how are you?
Shekhar: I was just here when I saw you and came in.
Rita: Oh! You should have called me in that case. I came here with a friend of mine, do you want to join us?
Shekhar’s ego once again took its flight and he immediately with anger said: No! I am in hurry actually I have to see somebody.
Rita: But you just said you were here and nothing about meeting anyone!
Shekhar: No, actually am going I have an important meet up. So who’s the guy?

The moment Rita heard that she felt like slapping him and walk away from that place.
She politely said, it’s actually your sister – Now do you mind joining us?

Don’t feed your weed ego it will only spoil your garden ~ Dawn

Rahi, Happy 18th 💖

 My Dearest Rahi, Happy 18th Birthday! My heart swells with pride and love as I write this to you. Eighteen years have flown by, and watchin...