Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that...!!!

Today I marched in support of the student's movement 'Our lives matter', 'March for Our Lives', protest against guns and gun violence. It's funny that when I was growing up, I never had to get into any such activity. What I love about my childhood is that there might be great matters that adults involved in bringing their voice together but as a child in school I never had to protest or do a march against anything and I take that as a blessing for my life in those days.
Imagine today's kids are not only stressed about getting good grades or understand a particular problem or concept for exam but also worry about their existence ... being alive.

It's a shame on us!!! We enjoyed our childhood and didn't make sure that it continues the same or better for our next and many future generations to enjoy that childhood in peace. I have marched for many such protests in this country and each time it was for an equality cause. Sometimes it was due to the inequality, for LGBTQA, for Women and now for Children - it breaks my heart. I was marching along and on and off my eyes fill with tears because whenever I think or see a child I go back to my days and its such a pleasure to be there that I have often said to myself - "wish I could go back and pause that moment".

"Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding." ~ Martin Luther King Jr. 

It's sad when I see kids marching for their lives.
Many motivational speeches were made by students, teachers, and representatives and then someone gave a speech calling out the President of America as the "orange guy". It put me off there and then itself. 
What are we talking about? Peace? Equality? When are we going to learn to respect one another? When? You talk about change and equality and peace but at the same time you put a racist remark and there goes your equality, change and peace. 

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"

People take anger and courage as one, people were marching against gun laws and the anger is towards the current administration but I don't think one can solve anything with anger.
It was amazing how the crowd out there was all about peace and for the children when two students came to me and said can we ask a question and I said sure!

"Do you think there should be cops in schools for protection"?, my answer straight came from my heart as 'No'!
Because school should not need protection. Schools need more facility and support for education. You need more teachers, students, principal and books. There is no need of guns, a protection as long as teachers are doing their job of teaching and protecting the kids. I went to a school in India and my school don't have a cop, military or even a gun. The students completely agreed with my opinion as they also felt there is no need of another armed personnel in the school.

I strongly believe, to bring real peace we need to love our enemies. It is tough but we have to be realistic and think about it before its too late. Love your enemy because hatred is only going to bring hatred, anger and revenge then. Let's not call anyone names, lets be human and ask for peace! March only for PEACE!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

~ Dawn

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