Monday, July 16, 2018

A Bart ride one afternoon...

This afternoon for some reason instead of taking Uber I decided to take Bart.
When you are not used to public transport for long time, it can freak you out. I was making sure I am getting into the right train and then when I did get into one, I made sure I am sitting at a seat which is near the door and was constantly looking at the window to check which station it is.

“Time goes faster the more hollow it is. Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station.” ~ Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I had been a heavy user of public transport when I was in Toronto, Canada and to tell you the truth I enjoyed it even though the initial radar of alertness was always there about your surroundings but that I don’t look at as inexperience. I rather feel one should be cautious about their surroundings always.

“You can’t understand a city without using its public transportation system.” ~ Erol Ozan

Bart, I always have heard negative things whether it’s about the issues with the riders or with the train itself. All these thoughts were going through my mind but being positive as my habit I enjoyed the ride. Few people were getting off as their destination arrived and the train was getting empty or rather it was getting more spacious.

I saw three kids – I can say because there was a boy who could be of 4- 5 years old and he was being referred as Chris. Chris was getting bored and restless and one can see that because the other two people (boy and a girl) who looked as if they are a couple but very young may be around 18-19 years old and I don’t know their names. Chris was so restless that he started lying down on the seat and later on the floor of the train and I wondered why he is doing like that and how come the couple doesn’t say anything to him.
As I was thinking about it, the girl started calling him, Chris, get up why are you being like this? And the boy had no response.
After long time Chris got up and sat on the seat and I was in between busy looking at the name of the station as the train stopped.

“The easiest way to meet people is to just look like someone who is willing to listen” ~ Robert Brault

The girl who was sitting with her boyfriend, looking at me she said, Ma’am are you a therapist by any chance?
I looked at her and smiled and said, ‘Why? You need help for Chris?

She smiled back at me as if nodding yes!
I looked at Chris who was turning his back to me and looking at his mother (by now I heard the conversation where she said you are not listening to your mom).

In a friendly way, I said – Chris, want to be my friend? Give me hi-five!
The mother or the girl as I referred above, said Chris see the lady wants to be your friend. At this, Chris got shy and he started hiding his face.
By that time the boy who was sitting next to Chris’s mother said, why you taking help from strangers?
The girl/mother replied, well you’re not helping me either, so I asked for help at least it will keep him away from misbehaving.

It just took me to think, teenage lovers and probably became mother and all these responsibilities. I felt bad for Chris, because he needed someone who can understand him and probably spend time with him.

“Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation.” ~ Amadeus Wolfe

I wish I could do something, but I cannot. As the train stopped at my destination, I got up from my seat and waved at Chris, saying Bye Chris, take care.
The mother/girl, immediately asked Chris to say – bye! He was still shy and instead the mother said – Bye lady and you have a great day and thank you!

I smiled back waving at her saying you too!

I reached home and shared the story with my daughter because she is 19 years old and I shared how I felt for that girl and her child.

Sometimes, kids are not kids anymore and those who are kids they don’t get to be kids anymore!!! ~ Dawn

~ Dawn


Friday, July 13, 2018

Alone you can do so little; together we can do so much ;)

 Thoughts have been going around in mind since the world cup season started but then I couldn’t find time to jot it down.
Besides engaging myself at work, these days giving time to read. Reading is like spending time to reflect and I am sure those who write would agree with me that it is important to reflect and read because that helps 😊.

Having said all of that, my main topic is about the game. Indeed, last time I was cheering for Brazil, Spain and then we all know what happened. But hey, that didn’t let me lose hope this year I cheered for Brazil and I wished for Argentina to make it to the finals and play opposite to Brazil, I did support Spain and with all that has happened I did support Croatia and was really happy to see they won the match against England. 

I have friends all over the world and the beauty about this so called ‘diversity’ is that you change jobs, you meet new people from different parts of the world and it’s an engaging experience. I have so many friends from England and felt sorry to see their reaction when they asked me ‘Why Croatia?’

Yes, it is hard to justify anyone when you are not from one of those countries who is participating in the world cup. I feel I am above all those barriers. To me its people and as I watch and read about these players my support and cheer goes to those and main reason to be with Croatia is because of the captain of the team Modric. I sincerely felt that match they should win because of their performance on the field.

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up” ~ Babe Ruth

Anyway, I was more here to share my thoughts in the form of poetry, when I thought of soccer and golf:

Happen to be a fan of soccer as a kid and played in the rain too
Eleven players on a rectangular field with spherical ball
Run and chase around without touching the ball with hands,
Only to put the ball in the oppositions goal to score a point,
You use your feet to strike or pass the ball around,
When you make a goal against the opposite team,
Depending who scored highest will win,
If they are equal, then it’s a draw and if not,
You get extra time to play or penalty shootout,
To make things even with your opponent,
Isn’t that something we all would like 😊,
When we are losing, or struggling an extra time can help,
Soccer the rough game we play by kicking and heading,
Running and chase to get the ball and put it in others post,
For all this one does some tricks, kick and play foul too,
Like a punishment a colorful card is given to you by referee,
What a fun game which originated as a kick ball.
The I saw this club and ball sport called Golf,
The players will use various clubs to hit the ball
Into series of holes on a Golf course in as few strokes,
This one needs usually has progressing 18 holes,
For some recreational ones have 9 holes,
Each hole on the course must have a tee box,
And putting green with actual hole or cup,
Each hole on a course is unique in specific layout,
Golf is played with lowest strokes called stroke play,
Or lowest in the entire round called match play,
Some say it originated from Romans paganica and
Some say it originated from China chuiwan or is it the
Cambuca or chaugan or kolven, wherever it originated,
The rule is to play with all fairness,
I often looked the two balls and wondered…
How two balls make the world go crazy around
Some with teeing ground and some with rectangular field
One is individual and the other is the team sport
All I know soccer is fun even if you kick one another!!!

 That reminds me the weekend is busy with finals I am excited, are you?

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships” ~ Michael Jordan

~ Dawn

Rahi, Happy 18th 💖

 My Dearest Rahi, Happy 18th Birthday! My heart swells with pride and love as I write this to you. Eighteen years have flown by, and watchin...