Monday, February 11, 2019

Effort is the oxygen for talent - Pu. La Deshpande

The other day I went for a Marathi movie : Bhai - Vyakti ki valli, directed by Mahesh Manjrekar, Pu. La's role is done by Sagar Deshmukh and many other talented actors have played their part in it. When I say many, it really had many known celebrities of those days and everyone of the actors have given their 100% in it. It didn't take time to recognize who that character is and for that the selection of artists, their make-up and the performance by these actors is something unbelievable and the entire team gets credit for this package.

I really would like to thank Mahesh Majrekar specially for doing a tough film based on Pu. La. Deshpande. Pu. La. Deshpande is larger than life as in what he has contributed to the Marathi literature and for Maharashtrians overall. To make a biopic of such a personality where controversies can also climb in as you portray his life and yet to make a clean movie where you bring main moments from his life is a tough balancing act.

While I was growing up in NDA- Khadakwasla, Pune, TV was a main part of our life those days and the moment Doordarshan starts its channel (5:30 pm), our TV used to be on. My Dad would watch Marathi programs as the evenings are for regional television program and at 9 pm the national program starts with news and then music and dance or other soap opera would go on but those were more educational from literature for kids and everyone.
After finishing homework or sometimes I am doing my homework and the TV is on where Dad must be watching the regional news, after that regional drama and classical music program must be going on and I used to multi-task and hence, Pu. La. Deshpande is a normal and casual name in every house. He is part of every Maharashtrian in one or the other way.

When I came to know about the movie, me and my friend planned and went to watch this one. To be frank this movie just glued me in for every inch of story, place and then recollecting from those days as what we heard or read and even watched him performing. Pu. La. Deshpande can be briefly introduced via Wikipedia as this has more detailed information. But to me it was reliving the moment and the characters such as Pt. Bhimsen Joshi, Vasantrao Deshpande, Kumar Gandharva, it was an amazing amalgamation of musicians and talented people coming in one frame and jamming and singing - it just took me to a different world. A point came where I felt jealous of them as how they could sit anywhere and just start jamming and enjoying the music which is not an effort but like a flow of river. 
This movie was covered in two parts and I was watching the first one which was released in January 2019 and I liked the way Mahesh Manjrekar planned to release the 2nd part immediately in February this way people will not forget the first part and will continue to the 2nd. But let me tell you, the way part 1 ends abruptly that itself, will tempt the viewers to watch part 2 and so, I did go next day to watch the part 2 of this movie.

Believe me, I was high and my thoughts were all about where I grew up and the time and those moments which I was reliving in my thoughts and suddenly I said to myself, human beings are so much rooted to their childhood and truly it really makes so much sense that one must have good childhood because that goes with you till your end.
I was excited to watch part 2 and believe me part 2 is more or less later part of  Pu. La and it has some political flavor too and hence, I didn't enjoy as much I did the part 1. But the best was when Pu. La comes to know his friend Kumar Gandharva is not feeling well and is not singing these days, he takes all his friends and goes to Kumar's house and they all sit and start jamming and singing and out of the zone Kumar starts singing too. That jamming session and the singing by each one Champa Tai, Pt. Bhimsen Joshi, Vasantrao Deshpande, and Pu. La who is on the harmonium - it was a treat to the audience. 

In this world, "who is saying", is more important than "what is being said" ! ~ Pu. La

I came out of that movie with feelings: one jealous for the musical time they had and the second proud for Pu. La and his friend circle which was never about show off. They all had talent and they all respected to that level and enjoyed the talent by sharing. Also, Pu. La. being the open and unbiased writer and thinker didn't get scared of Balasaheb Thackeray either though everyone was scared of him.
When you see the simple life that Pu. La and his wife lived with the bear minimum and still they were sufficient and giving to the needy ones. We don't need much to live happily, and its we who define what is happiness and live along those lines.
Another good part I would like to mention was about Baba Amte and the song that Pu. La. performs for the children who are taken care by Baba Amte - that song - naach re mora,  brought tears in my eyes not only for the song which connected with my childhood where my brother had this for his elementary school syllabus and he used to sing at home but also the way those children participated in singing with dancing around Pu. La, brought tears of happiness.
5 star to the Director of this movie Mahesh Manjrekar!!!

Life is so simple and yet we make it so complicated - Why?

"In a letter, all we own is the address on the envelope. The contents are a matter of fate." ~ Pu. La.

~ Dawn

Rahi, Happy 18th 💖

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