Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spread love like those clouds

Spread love like those clouds,
Show compassion like the Sun,
Nature gives you so the time
Why not we learn and be like one
The tough times are always there
But you and me can make it through
Only if we stand together and fight it
Love one and love all is the motto
Spread love like those clouds
Show compassion like the Sun!
~ Dawn 

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Rahi turns Thirteen!!!

Dear Rahi,

It's again that special day of the year - March 8th - when you were born but guess what it's the 13th year.
Being a mother no matter how many birthdays you celebrate you're still a kid to me. Every year I go through this memory lane on your birthday because I really wonder how these times are flying with a blink of my eyes.

The journey is exciting and a beautiful learning for me as a parent because each time I am cautious and protective for you, each time you surprise me with your answers and your way of handling things. 
This year, I was nervous for you as you stepped into middle school. I felt you are naive and the world is not so my worries were how you would adapt things and to my surprise when you shared how kids bully you in the school for your height, for you voice because you're yet to hit puberty and I started worrying how these kids do like that in school even though there are so many programs for 'not to bully' or 'stop bullying'! 

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

And you would say, "Mom I told them don't worry it will happen when it will happen. I am not worried so why you're worried for my height and my voice".

I was amazed at your response. I am sure you face such things everyday in different ways and you're facing these changes and learning to cope with it. There might be things that you may not like or may get hurt with and you face it so maturely. I really don't know when did you grow up this big to adapt to the changes in your surroundings and manage the new change in your life.

On this day when you're officially a teenager, I want to say thank you for being who you are! For listening to us and for understanding our chaos with work and home front and being patient with us.

I wish you all the best for your passions and your interests in ventriloquism, singing and animation. I admire your creative mind and the ways you think which I often see through your songs, and animation stories. World may not be all that good as you think but I like that you carry the goodness for this world.

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value". ~ Albert Einstein 

Keep it that way because some day this world will understand and learn from you, to spread love to all living beings.

Happy Birthday my Son!

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." ~ Lao Tzu

~ Dawn

Rahi, Happy 18th 💖

 My Dearest Rahi, Happy 18th Birthday! My heart swells with pride and love as I write this to you. Eighteen years have flown by, and watchin...