Sunday, April 18, 2021

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light...!

 A very sad day to hear early morning when I saw my brother messaged me about a friend, a neighbor who was admitted in ICU due to covid and he expired.

It was a shock. Not that I am not aware of covid and its consequences and how we have heard thousands and thousands lives have been lost due to covid but this came so close to someone that I knew since my childhood days.

I have no idea how this friend got it but all I want to say is its a serious virus and a deadly one. Because corona doesn't look for people, race, age, gender or religion, it just acts upon without discriminating anyone. May his soul Rest In Peace !!!

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans" ~ John Lenon

I feel sad when I think about the person and how carefree yet happy he was. To write things in past tense is so tough as he consistently spread positive messages across the social media. Someone who was so lively was also not spared by this deadly virus so my friends please take care of yourself.

When you get sick from CORONA VIRUS, you will have fever, a high fever, the highest fever that you have ever had in your life. It is not going to be like the typical flu & fever. You're going to breathe slowly, like you've had a sponge stuck in your nose. When you'll try to fill the air in your lungs by inhaling heavily you will feel like you are still short of breath. And that will scare you. You are going to cough a lot, so much so that you're going to tire until you almost pass out. Every time you do it, your chest, arms, back, fingers, toes will hurt. You will try to catch air through the nose and you will not be able to. So, they are going to give you oxygen and it is going to burn the entrance to your nose, that is going to hurt even more. And if you can't breathe, another doctor will come and put a couple of half-inch tubes down your throat to get past the bronchi and into the lungs. That is called an artificial respirator. It is really disturbing n annoying, and on top of that, you cannot speak or eat. 

You will be alone in a closed room. You will not be able to see your partner, your mother, or your father, or your children that you love so much, or your brothers; because you are going to infect them with the same thing that is killing you.

 You will feel so alone that you will start to cry and you will be afraid of dying. You will think of the ones you love and you will cry even more, that will worsen everything hence shortness of breath. 



"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" ~ Franklin D Roosevelt

~ Dawn

Friday, April 09, 2021



Life is all about learning and experience

Everyday you learn something new and 

Sometimes you learn to unlearn things

No matter, over the period we will grow 

But to grow from inside one has to learn

Keep your mind open like welcoming doors

So that you're open to learn from everyone

Experienced or inexperienced you always benefit 

Never leave a chance of learning from others

And then a time comes when you learn to give exam,

Life itself is a battle field where you face challenges

We all try one or the other way to overcome those

Keep pushing yourself so you don't get too comfortable

Learn something new everyday with a goal in mind

And have that drive to meet your goal

As learning never stops at any age!

~ Dawn

Wednesday, April 07, 2021



There are so many things to accomplish

In a tiny day that speeds up every time 

From dawn to dusk it’s like a few minutes

And there are few hundred things on mind

As the day goes by the list fills in the queue

Some you try to work on and some for later

A time which has no deadline as it keeps running 

Yet its one of the top most things to manage

Time is playing the game -catch me if you can

And sometimes you just get lazy to think about 

Something that you don’t want to face it 

Something that you want to do it but no drive

Finally one need to decide a time for it….!

~ Dawn

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

An emotion


I may look pretty and happy 

And that's just my nature 

There might be issues

There might be pain

There might be misery 

But life is beautiful

I keep smiling with joy

For the beauty and love

I am as soft as any flower

Yes, I am soft from inside

And outside too yet 

If you come close to me

I can hurt you painfully 

It's just my way of staying safe

From all the fear inside me

I must go to sleep just like

My other siblings are asleep!

~ Dawn

Monday, April 05, 2021



In the midst of all the chaos

There is a space of her own

Where she plays, sings and 

Dances all around with grace 

Her imaginations and stories

Through her dance she express

The joy, sadness and anxiety 

Will this time pass away? When?

As there is hope yet hopelessness

Dancing on the floor with her feet

She expresses her despair and desire

But she keeps on dancing without any 

Anticipation !

~ Dawn

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Attachments !


Its been a long journey

Once I was born from a seed

Living in the middle of chaos

Life has taught me to face 

The ups and downs of weather

Be it for bugs or even animals

I have given shelter to all of them

The only sacrifice that I did in life

Not to move and create chaos around

I have the freedom to grow anywhere 

And spread my branch my space along

Yet, I am stuck here with attachments

Life can become a journey only to some!!!

~ Dawn

Friday, April 02, 2021



My city which is still a home in my heart

Whenever I hear its name or a mention

It excites me like a child even today

The images are still green in my mind 

The roads, the walk, the rush to catch a bus

That pastry shop and evening hunger after college

All those moments and people around

Still I could see their face and place

My city is much different than any other

Wish I could get to see even once that same city

Those people and those buses, those roads

Taking home, college and the grounds of happiness

But today my city isn't the same!!!

~ Dawn

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Happiness !


What is happiness? 

Your physical presence should be happy

Or is it your heart that should be happy?

You have all the luxury in life

But if your heart is not happy

Will you be happy then?

What others see in you as happiness

You may not see the same

Because it's your heart that conveys

What is happiness!

~ Dawn 

Rahi, Happy 18th 💖

 My Dearest Rahi, Happy 18th Birthday! My heart swells with pride and love as I write this to you. Eighteen years have flown by, and watchin...