Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A drink a day keeps the shrink away

Its celebration time isn't it? Everywhere I see people enjoying the festivities...irrespective of what cast, religion or creed...thats what it is called the fever the air...its so contagious....that no one remains out of its catch ;)

“Enthusiasm is contagious. Be a carrier.”

One thing mostly I found...and that is....this picture will tell you everything :)

"Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul" ~The Koran

People were gifts and were trying to be with there loved ones...whether they were near or far....communication isnt tough these days :)

"Marriage is like a phone call in the night: first the ring, and then you wake up"

So you wine,dine and shine on the phone like a star ;)

"They are not long,
the days of wine and roses:
Out of a misty dream
Our path emerges for a while,
then closesWithin a dream"

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling

The two aspects that I believe when its Christmas.... :)

"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most."


"One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a present"

Merry Christmas and Happy Shopping ;)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

“Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.”

I was wondering...what is read ??? OR to make one read????

“For a tree to become tall it must grow tough roots among the rocks.”

Tough I guess its like the never ending story of the chicken and the egg :)
I really admire the teacher...the guru...the professor...Guide....and what not...the more we respect ..the more names we have...but ever thought how tough it would be???

"He who opens a school door, closes a prison" ~ Victor Hugo

I always think and that is what I plan...that I should end my retirement age by teaching poor needy kids...give my knowledge or I must say at least teach something that I have learn through out my life. When I go away from this world I give something...there is always happiness in that.

“It's important to give it all you have while you have the chance.”

But when I see tough and difficult it is to teach a kid..what can on think of many school...!!! Its a nightmare...I these teachers do it. I am sure they have to give 100 marks for there patience and calmness :) but yes...some dont and that you see on the legs or face of the kid....may be as a mark or may be as tears :)

"Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths pure theatre" ~ Gail Godwin

I loose my patience over something like this so quickly that...I wonder ...will I be able to teach any kid? Its a sincere effort that I want to make in life to teach someone...!!!

“All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope”

I always ran away from this profession coz...I always felt...a teacher has to learn life long :) to teach others whenever I had the opportunity to play a role of a teacher...for some reason ...I always stood first and got first prize too ;)
Irony of it...I guess everyone knows now :D....all I could so far figure out is...if you are trying to teach a kid...and you dont loose your patience...and still rockin....then boy...I must tell are doing a great job ;)
For me...patience is virtue...I have to learn it by heart ;) and believe me ...this quote really has taught me a million $$ worth lesson...I love it...:)
Keep smiling...always...;)

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Dignity is a mask we wear to hide our ignorance"

I have read history in school and I am pretty sure so many of you may have too. Getting interested in history subject is more or less an art of the teacher who is teaching that teacher's tacts of teaching make one interesting and curious about what is history and to explore it further deep down to know the reality.

"A teacher affects eternity he can never tell where his influence stops" ~ Henry Adams

But more than reading true history and what is taught as history is two different aspect and I dont blame this on teacher..instead it could be the syllabus or so...

"The true aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher should be, not to impart his own opinions, but to kindle minds" ~ Frederick W. Robertson

All I want to say is reading the true history and watching history is really a discovery in itself..!!!
I had read so many stories of world war I & II and the catostrophy that used to take place and the inhumane bloody incidents...but I could never worst it could be...I blame it on my imagination :)...well it also depends on the upbringing too you can ony think bad to a certain limit and it could be a very simple thing of hitting anybody...or at the most..killing..(since now a days we see so many things..imagination can wander..) but brutal, torturing ...inhuman killing of human beings...gosh!!! I just cant think of it...!!!

"War is organized murder and torture against our brothers" ~ Alfred Adler

Recently, I have been watching too many movies related to history...such as The Pianist :)...Dr Zhivago... & lately The Schindler's....boy this one point I felt why we people love to watch such movies..where they are torturing people and treating them like insects and worms...I think even they live a dignified life in today's world...!!!

"Dignity is like a perfume; those who use it are scarcely conscious of it"

I really .....was exhausted to watch the way Germans treated Jews. I have no sympathy for the Jews b'coz it has to be beyond sympathy. I swear...all the time I was just thinking ..thank god..I was not born at that time...I could feel the pain of those to protect there own lives they used to hide in holes like rats...oooh!!!
I sometimes wonder how..we as civilized people treat one another...are we civilized enough to be even called one???

"The true civilization is where every man gives to every other every right that he claims for himself"

In that era also there was this guy called Schindler...who was a minded but still he was carrying a heart..which saved so many Jews...!!! I could see him just like a drop of water in the the mouth of a thirsty person...a drop of life...!!!!When he was saving people ..he didnt realize what he is doing until at the end when he felt...all he could was cry..thinking..he could have saved more!!!!!!!

"Prosperity is the best protector of principle" ~ Mark Twain

Sunday, December 18, 2005

"The secret to humor is surprise."

It was end of the week...friday...:) and the feeling was exactly what everyone thinks on that day... "Thank God Its Friday" :D....most of my deadlines were working out as per my plan...and suddenly I get a call ...asking what's ur plan for the weekend? and I say...well you guys decide....:)...!

They told me to get out of work by 4...:D guess what...I was chatting with my boss till 4.45 pm about Monday's plan of action...where am I gonna get at 4 hehehe...then they finally call me and say ..ok..get out by 5 but no later than that...& I assured them !!!

I got out of the office around 5.15 pm and then I drove down to my house...I got freshen up myself...and I hear the honking sound...I got into there car and didnt even ask ...where they are ..........and I was all discussing about my work...and hectic week...and I see...Naz Cineman Theater...WOW...I I smiled as this was a total surprise to me....and I dont even know which movie...!!!

"Art must take reality by surprise."

So I asked which movie guys....and they cooly said 'Bluffmaster' hahahaha gosh...I only had a plan to watch this movie...of Jr B and....didnt even know that it would be coming up such a beautiful surprise ...:)
I was damn happy and got lost in the movie...and the songs............:D

"Scratch an artist and you surprise a child" weekend was full of surprises....did you ever had something sweet surprise which really made you think...Is this for real????? :D

"That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life."

Thursday, December 15, 2005

"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello!"

"It is generally agreed that "Hello" is an appropriate greeting because if you entered a room and said "Goodbye," it could confuse a lot of people" ;-)

As my last post says the holiday season is spreading the fever of is the busy period for the postal authorities as well..with so many greeting cards :)
As a kid I had stamps, coins and different kinds of pencil erasers well...that reminds me I had a classmate-friend Uma -she had plenty of scented erasers in a nice little jewellery box...and all she used to share it with was ME :).....we were not together for a long time though in that grades of 1st and 2nd...that was the journey or time I spent with her but some people's affection and sensitivity remains in your heart forever...:)

"We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish."

Its so strange I started writing something on a topic of my collection... hobby and I remembered this friend...I really miss her and those days. I wish ...if she still remembers me and we could some how interact just b'coz its a techy world...I wish...oh I can only wish :)

"Sometimes I wish I were a kid again; skinned knees are a lot easier to fix than a broken heart." I grew up I gave away my collection of coins and stamps to my little friends in the neighbourhood...thinking that they will carry forward the trend ;)

"When in doubt, predict that the present trend will continue."

However, I still... love to collect greeting cards...specially those with great wordings..and sent to me :). My dad has a good sense of selecting a least for me ;) its full of deep ..loving ...yet emotional wordings...which just touches my heart....and to place the cherry on top - my mum's hand written note :)....I think I have achieved everything in the world :)...believe me guys...its a trend at home dad's job is to select the card and mum is suppose to write it....:) ...and whenever I call Dad love to hear about - how much I loved his card ...:D b'coz all he is doing is thinking about me...when he is buying that card...:)

"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."

I see million little things in it...such as the and caring...isnt that how a family should be or I must say a couple..:)

"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing" I was supposed to write on something but.........:) words and emotions have taken me close to my family...:)

"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future."

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"Smile - It's the second best thing you can do with your lips." ;-)

Everywhere its holiday time...everywhere you hear pplsaying..I did all my x'mas shopping...or I hv still to shop...and what not..:)

"To many people holidays are not voyages of discovery, but a ritual of reassurance."

Sometimes...I feel the talk itself distracts my mind from

"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!"

Yes..its beautiful to look around...I guess the atmosphere itself brings cheerness and celebrating moods in ppl's mind and heart..:)

"Happiness is more a state of health than of wealth." Frank Tyger
I also look forward for these it brings everyone together irrespective of your differences..yet when one is happy they smile..enjoy and celebrate :) much of our smiles :)

"Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so."

So my dear friends...."Happy Holidays"

Saturday, December 10, 2005

"Happiness is a how; not a what. A talent, not an object."

My week days were so terrific...with meeting deadlines...but this quote always kept me motivated... :)...may be it will do to you too ;)

"You can eat an elphant if you do it one bite at a time. "- Robert Riley

and so....I finished my the end of friday...I could only think of watching a peaceful movie and relax at home ...:) isn't that strange for a person like me ...that too on a friday evening hahaah ...

"Self love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting." - William Shakespear

Well...I decided to watch 'In Custody' starring all great actors..Shashi Kapoor, Om Puri, Shabana Azmi, and the list goes on...its actually based on a novel written by Anita Desai.

"Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides" ~ Rita Mae Brown

But this movie really touched the cord of my 'Urdu' is fading todays era...infact I always loved this language for its politeness and sweetness...and the poetry...!!!

"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." ~ Robert Frost
This movie left a sad thought...but Shashi Kapoor has done such a wonderful job..and I was thinking how come these ppl never got any awards...and ppl like Saif National Award...for what.. 'Hum Tum'...damn is it the value of that award degraded or.....!!!!

"Only the man who crosses the river at night knows the value of the light of day"

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Symmetry is what we see at a glance

I was on my way to park near the Fisherman's wharf when I saw these symmetrical yet so beautiful...really I wonder sometimes...God's creativity... :)

"Even the greatest of creations start from small seeds"

I wonder sometimes..if I am really in US... lol...yes this part it doesnt look as part of US...its...more or less desert place or Mexico... :)But I must say weather is cool and so the scenes too ..!!! Life gives so much of excitement and happiness ...mere by admiring at them....this palm tree doesnt have much yet has so much to attract anyone :) one of my friend today sent me a quote...

"You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her "

Isnt that an awesome guys its not that love is blind hahahahaah ...oops am I opening another can of worm....;)

But all I know is............

"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity"

Thursday, December 01, 2005

"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it."

Ever thought how it is when you feel someone really cares for you and makes you feel so carefree about it would be...???

"Men who love humanity have all dreamed at least once during their lives of bringing all their fellow men together in a state of carefree happiness. And only the world of the theater ever really succeeds in doing this."

Well...with me its so I experience...!!! Its my nature to be extra precautious in everything that I am like 'man with the plan' kind and sometimes I think its too stressful be over prepared....!!!

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time." ~ Mark Twain

But then many times being prepared and over cautiousness is also not good...I sometimes one need to face surprises too ...:) isnt it?

"People only see what they are prepared to see." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

And someone really makes me feel so stressfree about everything..whether its work...or my extra cleanliness attitude or even to say my organizing skills..that they just want me to put everything aside and for a while...want me to live mushy mashy :)...and guess what..??? am trying to relax....yes thats me Dawn in California...trying to relax...;)

"Your bones have been my bedframe and your flesh has been my pillow. And I'm waiting for sleep." ~ Ani Defranco

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal."

There was a time when I had to drive long way to reach my work and I used to enjoy that believe me...some times at work things caused me frustrations however...going to work and coming back was never a was infact heaven for me :)

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." ~ Robert Bault

I love driving and.... listening to music is another passion of mine ...:)..however here in California...its only 10 mints drive to work and believe me...the craving to drive more..doesnt stop at all...and since the rush hour doesnt allow me to take a long ride...I make complete utilization of weekends :)
In one of these weekends I had gone to San Francisco @ fisherman's wharf. It was a long long drive ...guys and it was hot sunny and busy..too!!!!

"Happiness is like a must share it to enjoy it."

I didnt feel that I was on a trip..rather it was a feeling of going on vacation again :)....took lots of pictures...had a good lunch ....hmm yummy food...:) and yes the sea was amazing view near the sea...!!! The whole crowd was near the sea lions to watch them go crazy on that sunny day....topsy and turvy..!How different they are from the seal..!! You can see how that seagul watching them and getting J about it :)

"Look thy last on all things lovely, Every hour - let no night Seal thy sense in deathly slumber Till to delight Thou hast paid thy utmost blessing"

"I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky; and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by" ~ John Masefield
When I saw this boat in the felt as if its calling me :).....sometimes I think life is too short with so many passions fulfill...I have to have them all...:) being a bit greedy :)

"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion"

This bird make me feel the eternity of sky the bird flying so high... it tells me a lot and inspires me to.....start counting on my goals.....

"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it."

"The one advantage of playing with that no one ever gets singed. It is the people who don't know how to play with it who get burned up."

Saturday, November 26, 2005

"If a person gives you his time, he can give you no more precious gift"

Today, am gonna talk about a gift that was given to me by my Canadian Toronto..:)!!!
It was a sure case where we know we are parting..for good...but to cherish our memories and promise to be in touch...we decided to meet at lunch...(and yes we are in touch via technology :)...)!!!
I always enjoyed my company with this friend of our interests, our general thoughts...our some of favs..from history too are so common...I sometimes wonder how it can be possible when we are from different places..different era's ;)....but the beauty of it is...we enjoy discussing everything...whether its work...buddha ( I got a new info from him which I never would have if he wouldnt have told me, its bikes...its sports...its songs...aah...and that reminds me of the gift... :) yes when I gifted him with a book on Indian Culture and heritage...he gave me this CD of 'Bif Naked' album...I had heard one of the songs..but dont remember where and it was stuck in my mind..until I listened to this one..!!!

"A hug is the perfect gift; one size fits all, and nobody minds if you exchange it."

One can enjoy the songs at the given link on the side bar 'Bif Naked', and as you explore knowing her it takes you more deeper as to know who she is..and how she became the number one sexier rock star...hey..that too from Canada ;)...isnt that makes one feel so least for me hehehe...its hillarious to she didnt go to school but was going to a punck for music...:)! I usually dont like 'tatoos' but here I did liked the way she has explored.. hahaha..give a look!!!!

"The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up." ~ Mark Twain

All these days my schedule was so hectic with travelling, organizing, and being busy with project work...when I got a chance to sneak out with my music and long drives to San really made me feel that..'am alive'

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow." ~ Mary Anne Radmacher

Thank you dear friend...for giving me such a nice gift...your time and the music...:)....yes how can I forget to thank for giving me all your wisdom ...which..I still long for ...:) keep filling...

"Intellectual passion drives out sensuality" ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Lately, things are getting so busy...with all my passions...whether its the project...or exploring the place ...riding my blue car ;)...yes it was fun on the I did enjoyed when I was in Canada...:) my car still gets that look...and its so cute and attractive with its metallic blue color.. ;)
oops!!! seems like I need to have many more posts just to dedicate on that one

"Love is a gift of one's inner most soul to another so both can be whole."

Sunday, November 20, 2005

"No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance."

Gosh!!! travelling and travelling...!!! Did any astrolger said that I will be only travelling this year hahahaha...! Yes friends ...I have been travelling back and forth from US to Canada...and am pretty sure by now..even the US customs officials will be friendly with my face ! or may be they start wondering what am I doing with so many trips...could give them some suspicious look-outs too isnt it ?? :D

"Suspicions which may be unjust need not be stated" ~ Abraham Lincoln

Well...guess what...when I went to Toronto it was raining...though windy and cold...and I was like asking mother nature...that she really know what I like the most hahaah but too bad that I couldnt get wet in the it was too cold. But I did take my flu-shot ...just in case..!!
'Prevention is better than cure' ;)

This time when I went to Toronto...besides my move...I went to all my fav. I dont know after how long I will be back there.. :). Meanwhile...I have to tell about this Lebaniese restaurant in Mississauga 'Alaadin' get good wraps but believe me you will never find such a wonderful selections and quality of Juice and Milkshakes...anywhere else other than this place. Its like a 1 litre glass which has all the dry fruits and the real fruits in it..a very healthy drink. I remember I used to often hang-out at this place with friends...even if you dont feel like eating you can just go for this juice and believe me it was like a two course meal :). One thing of this place was so famous they had only one female waitress and the guys used to make her work like a donkey...I always felt bad for the guys used to be in the 'Hukkah' section (yes..if anyone wants to try the authentic hukkah's they can just step into the smoking zone and you have all the luxury of a Nawaab...:) but dance or mujra ok hahaha!!) and the service was always slow...but I always tipped her as I felt she is been illtreated. But still at the end of the day the gal lets us go with a great smile..a million $$ worth I must say!!!

"Authentic values are those by which a life can be lived, which can form a people that produces great deeds and thoughts" ~ Allan Bloom

This pic above really makes me feel like am in Egypt. But this time I saw lot of lot of youngsters like from Lebanon and Egypt and others come here to play pool table and then hang-out in the hukkah sections. And guess what??? they have more gals as waitress that too...well trained...;)

"We must beware of needless innovations, especially when guided by logic" ~ Winston Churchill

Toronto is like my home and hence it was a mix of emotions when I was leaving the airport....but then...I will be always visiting here whenever I want ;) thats the hope and happiness it leaves me with :)!!!!

"We live by admiration, hope and love" ~ William Wordsworth

Monday, November 07, 2005

"Dedication is not what others expect of you, it is what you can give to others."

"Dawn" - yes thats the name my dad gave me even before I was born...:) that thought itself makes me so special everyday and every moment...!!!!
"The dawn is not distant, nor is the night starless; love is eternal." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I have been always treated special...and believe me am so lucky that I still get that treatment ...not only from my parents but my friends all over the world...:D
"My night has become a sunny dawn because of you" ~ Ibn Abbad
(This is for each friend of mine...)

Today is my birthday and its always been celebrated among friends and my parents...though I miss my parents on this day as ....I am not that often celebrating my b'days with them....but I do get there cards and phone wishes in advance through out till the b'day :)

"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained" ~ C.S. Lewis

My friends...I have a special place for them :) very near and dear and close to my heart :) ..!!! The feeling itself gives me so much pleasure and confidence and a feeling of being loved...a feeling of... people, there to care for me ...worry for me...:) guys, its a big thing believe me...I am just blessed and I always pray to God have always given me enough...all I pray is just keep them with me always :)...too greedy isnt it >? :)

This picture always reminds me of my birth moment..:)...when my dad already decided for a name thinking it has to be a gal ;) and where my mom too anxious to know it is a gal :) its a emotional...uncertain....yet optimistic...:D yes...thats what this pic of dawn above speaks to me :)...

"Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door." ~ Emily Dickinson

I want to dedicate my today's post on my birthday for my loving friends all across the world.

"Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come." ~ Rabindranath Tagore

oh ! btw..."Happy Birthday To Me" .. ;)

"All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much."
;) Cheers!!!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 05, 2005

"Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough."

The festive times were up whether its diwali or eid...for me it was a quick travel time...yes friends I had taken a quick flight to Vancouver ..a 2 1/2 hrs flight and my return was same evening back to California...!!!

"Remember where you have been and know where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way." ~ Nikita Koloff

When I boarded the plane...I was just thinking about the security checking and it just brought back all the flash-back as when I used to travel to US to Canada or was just taking your bag and going across the questions papers stamped. In those days I used to wonder when I used to hear the stories of India-Pakistan...and I used to dream ever this can happen in those borders....a hope...a dream ...but it was just a the one that didnt had any restrictions ...due to whatever happened in past...that freedom is lost.

"There are two types of people - those who come into a room and say, "Well, here I am," and those who come into a room and say, "Ah, there you are."

haha this quote always makes me laugh as..this quote I literally see...rather than reading it :) I am a visual flight was nice & calm as I was trying to sleep and when I landed Vancouver...gosh believe was a great relief...coming home :)

"He who would travel happily must travel light."

I wish I could explain this to the Canadian Customs Officer hehehe...he was arguing with me that if I travel to US to my family still I carry clothes hahaha..I laughed...and I said..Sir, am traveling back this evening itself...& believe me..he was a bit zapped and asked me what do I do for living hahahaha boy ..I can never forget his face. He was a very nice guy..with great respect he wished me 'good luck'.

"Let your memory be your travel bag." -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

I had to kill the time till my flight back to California which was 5.40 and it was only 10.15 a.m. :)

"Reading, to most people, means an ashamed way of killing time disguised under a dignified name" ;)

I had taken this book with me of Donald Trump ~ The Art Of The Deal, ( I am sure people would know him at least if they see 'The Apprentice' - a great show on Project Management).I will not discuss about the book here...:) but would like to share something that I liked what he says and I believe in that too...thats why it strikes me so well :)

"Listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make." ~

So true...believe me guys...some of his experiences that he has shared..really gives a worthy tips to all !!! :)I was so much enjoying this book until to see that its time to go...!!! Everyone gets scarred when its flight to US...I really donno why? Either its the security ...or the questions that they Customs & Immigration Officers ask...but believe me..they are human like us and they are very nice and least thats what I have found so far...!!!

There was no line-up so I straight went to the officer and he was such a pleasant guy with a beautiful smile on his..face..I can still remember him (not disclosing the name), but yes I have met some of serious..non-smiling but hey...they joke too :) and they never smile even then when you are smiling hehehee...isnt that a comedy :)

"If crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fire, then what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that to us, do they?" ~ a humor quote by George Carlin

I forgot to mention, I was flying by Alaska airlines...guys believe me the service is awesome...people are so good...I just was in love with the whole customer service concept. I met this Flight Attendant ~ Keith, a very nice looking...with a smile always on his face and very generous and friendly with people..the whole flight he kept us entertaining...he had very short hair..and typical Mullah (priest in Masjid) type of mostache..but still he looked so handsome..that beard suited him so well that many times he doesnt suit to the right people who actually have to grow for there religious reasons.
I want to mention about Keith, as I didnt know how my 2 1/2 hrs flight came to an end..until his last conversation....about ... that in front of my seat there was a celebrity who was flying with us...a hockey player...gosh!!!!!!!! I was freaking a hockey player and a sports fan...was like..what??? and you are telling us now.........:)

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go" ~ humor quote by Oscar Wilde

Through out the flight Alaska airline gave the feeling of one family on a trip :) It was awesome coming back to I felt am coming back home again :)

"A traveler without observation is a bird without wings."

While at the end I had a fine dine at 'Passage to India' ...thats how I celebrated my Diwali & Eid :) I was going to one country from another that too in one day :)...but it gave me a lot opportunity to see, meet and talk to people...& know them and the world!!!

"Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions." — Peter Hoeg

"Don't tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have traveled." — Mohammed

Think after reading this quote....

"Hitler didn't travel. Stalin didn't travel. Saddam Hussein never traveled. They didn't want to have their orthodoxy challenged." — Howard Gardner

aah! a happy ending to yet waiting for another journey ;)

"When you plan a journey from your mind into mine, remember to allow for the time difference" ;) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it."

Its Festival time...and believe me...there is not a singal sign of it..around...!! May be people have gone through so many natural calamities that...people have stopped responding to smallest happiness also...well thats what I saw here in the valley...or else everyone is busy working ... lol

"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences"

But when the news that I heard in made me think how this festive moments will be handled by this was something so scarry....but when I saw the pics in news paper and some of our friends made me smile though with my eyes filled with tears...

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate"

Well what I did was as usual day...all I did different was...I did sleep a bit more ;)...yes I had a good sound sleep and got up a bit late...rushed to work with a warm coffee in hand...and the ended..but I did bring some gulab jamuns...its always good have sweets when we want to celebrate or when we feel happy :)

I remember as a kid ...when I used to laugh without control dad used to say...dont laugh so much also that you start weeping hehehe...yeah how ironic..but then thats so true sometimes ...!!!

"When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet"

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Life's most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?

I read these line a couple of weeks ago..while reading Khalil Gibran's book...

"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were"

When I read these...I felt 'wow' but as it started sinking in thinking how easy it is to say or to read but can you imagine how difficult it would be to ..let them go???? do so much for them and just let them go...!! Am not saying that you keep any kind of expectation but the faith ...doesnt that gets thrashed!!???

At such times I remember what Sir Winston Churchill, had said once...

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." least he said what he could give..he didnt make any false promises and raised anyone's expectations!!!

Similarly, Subhash Chandra Bose- "Give me your blood and I will give you freedom" attempt was made for that freedom.
But when I think of a person and then sacrifice...its lingers tons of thoughts in my mind as what these great people have said and tough and difficult it is.
At the same time when I think of giving away something for someone...I feel its easy probably b'coz I have done it and I keep doing it :)

"Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much" ~ Erich Fromm

And I believe what Einstein said, "Only a life lived for others is worth living." and then I feel...
"I regret that I have but one life to give for my country"

All great thoughts to keep one motivated and to go with one's life but then how easy it is to do in practical...and does that sacrifice is seen by at least that one person for whom you do??? ...its a fight between...sacrifice and not to keep expectation...but I think one must be getting hurt when they see there sacrifice is not given that worth...

I dont know these thoughts came in mind as Khalil Gibran's quotes sink in my mind and heart..!!! This picture shows the huge pine tree which reminds me of x'mas ....but I get more of strength from this tree in this picture.

Hungry not only for bread - but hungry for love.
Naked not only for clothing - but naked for human dignity and respect.
Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks - but homeless because of rejection
~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance..;)

Today is a day with lot of things taking place in many people's least a couple of them whom I know and...hence I am assuming every now and then in this part of the world like some good things happen ..similar fashion ...something painful too happens to people !!!
It was just couple of weeks when I saw this guy blooming with love and always making sure to keep his sunshine happy and content ....and how he tells me today that she broke off with him for no reason and she lets him know this via email...!!!
"Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out." -- Vaclav Havel
This is what exactly I felt and I told him to be strong!!!!
I wish I could do something..when I heard his boss didnt either pay attention to this part and he was dealing with some work performance issues..!!!

"Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary." ~Mark Twain

Seemed like the last straw...but then what can one do...there was no one to approach in HR manner...probably a little patience or break could have been a great relief..:)
In the evening I felt I should talk to his boss about the break-off and to my surprise the boss knew and he shook-off his if there is no life when you work here !!!
But I also couldnt take I asked the boss what if it was him????

"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards." -- Unknown

and you know guys what happened after that....
Boss calls him and makes sure he is doing fine...the result of that was he was on a date this evening heheheehe!!!
I was just thinking how much does this world needs to feel sorry and to be merry :)

"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips it's turn"

I placed this pic which I took while the car was moving and the best part I saw in this is the trees are paired & are twins too :) ! Not only that...I see power when I look at this tree yet grace when you see those leaves :)....
"In life as in dance: Grace glides on blistered feet"

Yet I want to convey with todays incident is as Les Brown said:

"When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up." Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 21, 2005

The mind never fully accepts any convictions that it does not owe to its own efforts!!

Sourav Ganguly is back with a bang! Ousted from the Indian team due to bad form and under pressure to perform in the Duleep trophy for East Zone, Ganguly hit back with an entertaining 117 which included 18 boundaries and a six off just 143 balls. It was Indian captains toughest test and he passed with flying colours. Now Chappell has a big problem on his hands, should he take Ganguly after the first ODI if India lose or should he wait and watch.

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character" ~ Ralph W Emerson

I had just gone to one of this sites where people had created a website club as they hate Ganguly. I mean what is it ...after all he is a human. We all have good and bad phases in profession..should we hate ourselves also when we are not doing so well?
I am glad to hear about Dada's performance...this is a tribute for his success on my behalf :) in this blog.

Three Cheers to the Bengal Tiger ;) hip hip hurray!!! :)

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing"
Abraham Lincoln Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Like swift water, an active mind never stagnates...!

I have moved into new place and trying to set things out...I often miss Toronto, as every now and then something comes out and it takes me way back to Toronto...I know I bore people out here with my stories...but I love to live in those memories too :)

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." ~From the television show The Wonder Years

But the view from my patio is something which brings back life into me :) & this is the view...its just amazing!!!!
I just love the water...the noise of the just thrills out the pleasure and joy in me.

"Everywhere water is a thing of beauty gleaming in the dewdrop, singing in the summer rain."- John Ballantine Gough

I had read this poetry long back ...but today to express my feelings ...and the joy that I have for having this view right out of my patio is something...which I can only mesmerize it...and read out..
"I came where the river
Ran over stones;
My ears knew
An early joy.
And all the waters
Of all the streams
Sang in my veins

That summer day."- Theodore Roethke, The Waking, 1948

The flowing water...when you look at just dont know where you are just takes you far from reality and takes you in such a wonderland also dont realize that you are actually standing still there while the water is flowing..:)..its as if the water is expressing its JOY.

"Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy" ~ Mother Teresa Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Every word written is a victory against death...!

The other day I was watching this movie...'Sau jhooth aur ek sach' (100 lies over one truth), something like that. The reason I watched this movie was coz there are actors like..Vikram Gokhale (marathi theater pro and a great actor) & Mamooty (Keralite film actor, National award winner), in it.

The movie was well captured..through out I liked Vikram Gokhale's natural acting and was finding it funny with Mamooty's hindi speaking skills...I really had a good laugh !!!

"Natural abilities are like natural plants; they need pruning by study".
Red Auerbach

Something that stick in to my mind when Mamooty asks why anyone writes a 'diary' ? for which his answer is that when a person is lonely!!!!!!!!!! Something which I dont agree with..! It could be just a phrase to continue the story of the movie however, it made me think and write over here :)

"The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say".
F. Scott Fitzgerald

I am thinking who so ever must be reading this post of mine, do ponder your I write diary as a child and its not that I was ever a lonely child...!

"Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted".
Jules Renard

But then what Sidney Sheldon has to say....
"A blank piece of paper is God's way of telling us how hard it to be God".

I find immense peace in expressing myself and giving that flying power to my thoughts and opportunity to my dreams to at least have the trial of making an effort to achieve them :)

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing".
Benjamin Franklin

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Moon! Moon! I am prone before you. Pity me,and drench me in loneliness!!!

An evening in California ...;) ..I think after India trip its, in California that I have seen full moon..with that tinch of yellow & orange dont know why...I always found the moon bigger in size when am in North America and its always smaller in size in India..?? why???

"The moon develops the imagination, as chemicals develop photographic images"

But even though the moon was full...beautiful with spreading the moonlight across..still a strangeness was there...the sense of belongingness or warmth which I have seen in Canada or in India was lacking!!!

"Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax."

Its so strange I wonder....though we all know there is only one moon and one sun...still we differentiate hehehehe...thats what they say its the mind thing :)

However, I like the mountains over here...very light greyish n blue combi mountains with trees in between if its shrubs...and literally makes one feel that its a painting...:) it is a painting isnt it...nature's own creativity.

I admire the beauty over here...many times its the nature and its beauty that keeps one stay ...;)

"Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for."

I loved this evening...was always feeling how lonely the moon is...though there were lots of people around in the mall..and the moon sitting across was just watching at the crowd.. may be..! or was feeling jealous about them...:)

"Oh dear moon...I feel sad for you...
which means in your lonely times am there with you" :)

this what I felt like saying to the moon!

"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness." :D
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Thursday, October 13, 2005

The sun-observing marigold!!!!

As time goes things settle one by one.....however new things come up too
Isnt that funny...? We often try to resolve something to figure out some new challenges ahead
"I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare."
But then I love these challenges and then try to keeps me motivated

"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for."

So now friends, you would understand why my cam is now a days jobless .. still I clicked this flower..can say my first picture in California reminded me the marigold flower...and I know its Dashera time for many people and these flowers grow immensely during this season.

"Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us" - Oscar Wilde

I remember in Toronto, my garden had these so many.....they grow crazy.....and many desi used to come and appreciate the golden carpet in my garden.

It brought back all those strange a small flower .....took me all the way back to Canada !

"A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever."

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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Change begets change....!

"Change" this word looks so small...when one actually goes through the change :)

I have been moved to a new job ...and ofcourse new kind of people :) many changes to such a small soul like me ..:)

I have a lot to capture with my cam when I look at the nature here...but believe me I miss my home Toronto :(

I now truly believe in 'Until you taste sour, you really dont know what is sweetness'

"I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward."

I have been through changes but now its been a long time things are still in transit with the USP people ...I have no phone :( still going through the process...of getting one...hence no net...aaah! how much to make one soul suffer....but then work is also new & I can't take the risk of blogging hehe..hehe what else for the last straw on the camel's getting used to everything...I have found a desi colleague right from the heart of Goa - in India, who keeps me busy with her stories and makes me feel at home... :)

"Be bold. Be confident. Be alive. A gallery of possibilities awaits for you when you make change your friend"

Gosh! its Ramadhan time and believe me I started mine prior to Ramadhan time...:) life is like this sometimes...:)

I look at it an innovative way of living..isnt change a good make new friends and you learn new culture and teach some to them too..;)

"Every generation needs a new revolution."

-Thomas Jefferson

am happy ! But all I am upset is for not using my cam ....its so tempting!!!

"Change is a part of every life. Resisting is often as futile as it is frustrating"
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Thursday, September 29, 2005

You can't let one bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones...!

I always wonder about would they feel about....after long travels....and exploring adventure trips how did they feel about coming back home!

...for me...when I was checking in my was like...oh! Finally am gonna be at home!..but guys I would like to make a request....even if you get a free ride via Aeroflot.....just don't accept it..>!!!! It's the worst kind....of flight..service...and what not....gosh!!! I had to wait 8 hours at Moscow..:(
And believe me sitting at the airport... ( a sad place to be for so long ), I remembered what M K Gandhi had said once..."The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose"

But yes..after that 8 hours I took my flight to Toronto and that too a long 10 hours of journey .... the plane the Pearson Intl airport and guess what...things were all so fine...customs didn't take time to clear... I got my luggage....and so off there...with my car :D
I know how crazily I was driving on the road at 2 am :)

I remembered this one..."Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back" and dear flick .. this is said by ...Eugene O'Neill.

During this wait of 8 hours.....I made some friends ... some seniors....One Sardar ji uncle who works for Glaxo in Mumbai and his wife....they were coming here since there daughter-in law is expecting...I felt so good for all of them....they have a good reason to join and celebrate.... and they did share there parathas with me... :)while I was waiting there. Friends...if you do travel..via Aeroflot then there is no guarantee that the connecting flight will be on time and when you wait there for long ....u better have something to there u have nothing much options and language prob is another pain .!!! I heard lot of Indians disappointed and commenting that..ones this country was so powerful and look what happened today!!!!

But those parathas and sweet roti...yummmies :D !!!!

"He who comes first, eats first "- said by Eike von Repkow , but there myself and that Sardar ji uncle we both said and agreed upon this :) prayers for that family will be there always!!!!!!!!!

Sydney J. Harris said:
"Happiness is a direction, not a place"
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Friday, September 09, 2005

"You know that you are in love when the hardest thing to do is say good-bye!!"

Friends...I really had a long..long vacation this year..:), though its never long enough isn't it ;) hehehe!!
"No one needs a vacation more than the person who just had one." ... ;)

That's human nature greedy I am :D !!!
I have no words to 'Thank' for all the love, affection, hospitality, some challenges..(which I think is to make me & finally its time to say 'Good Bye'!!!!
"I cannot say good-bye to those whom I have grown to love, for the memories we have made will last a lifetime and never know a good-bye"
It will be a long break again for me...since there are no 'free lunches' hahaha...I will be busy with my schedule updates...I will try to be soon back in action...till then :)
I was asked...what is the message before leaving India
Faith makes all things possible.
Love makes them easy :)

"Sometimes we need to hold our head high, blink back the tears , and just say GOOD-BYE." Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 08, 2005

"It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference."

A lunch with a friend..!!
My lunch with a friend was pre-scheduled and I was very much looking forward to meet. As the time is approaching for me to say good's a feeling of ....grab as much I can...& hence we met and decided for a place to for lunch..! I must say...for us lunch was an excuse it was more or less to talk ...and spend quality time...!
I remember I have often taken ample of useful time of this friend with my stupid questions and doubts and this friend never ever....rushed me for anything. I always appreciated the calmness and the patience with which he often accustomed the answers for my queries..!
"A true friend is one who knows all about you and likes you anyway."
Not everyone does specially on there quality time expense..! My belief is when we spend a moment of time also in talking to someone we can make out.. .how far this friendship will go and believe seas across this friendship of ours still growing only to flourish more and more!!
I got a very invaluable gift which I would like to share here in this this could be an awareness for my other blog friends :)

It is a Divine Life Sadhana...with Pranayaam's & Yoga....the right way to do and the benefits of it in one's life to live healthier. This gift reminds me of my nature - 'Prevention is better than cure' & my friend gave me something that is worthwhile for the life :)

How can I just say 'Thank You' ?? for all sounds so less !!!
This lush green leaves show how close they are like the five fingers...:)
"I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar." Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Celebrate what you want to see more of.......:-)

Its my Dad's Birthday...:) though India lost in final ;)...but I had something more to cherish and enjoy!!
We had lots of fun ...lunch was out and evening was filled with gifts & yummy cake!!!

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate

I remember..I was a very demanding kid..specially with my Dad only demand whom you love the most and know that your demands will get some heed ;)

This time I wanted to fulfill all that wishes for my Dad...which usually our parents dont do...they never ask anything...but there kids happiness...& when we understand our parents feelings ...we know what they want. I wanted give all the happiness that I could give...:)

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate

Happy Birthday Dad...I love you!!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 05, 2005

You can't direct the wind but you can adjust the sails...

Today is Teacher's Day...and this reminds me all my childhood memories...right from kindergarden till date..:)

How strange it is..when we were kids we used to think our teachers in school are the real teachers always...but then our nursery begins at home...our Parents!!!

I am so proud of my Parents that they taught me the true values of life...and taught me how to differentiate between the real & materialistic world and related people with it.

Many times we learn from others and many times its others and/or our what I learnt is in every moment of life we learn from everyone...and everyone is a teacher in one or the other way..!!

When one teaches, two learn...

A surprise was waiting...this early mum told me about this tiny tott bird...which I knew is a new one to the I have witnessed the mamma bird preparing the nest..which gave me the clue that soon they are going to lay eggs in that nest...and here ...this baby bird...who learnt from her mamma..:) how to fly...she left her nest and got into the house ...:) I tried to take it in my hand and gave drops of water...she flew and came by on to my shoulder ...:)
A very right example I saw..through nature..:) !!!

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it

I respect and salute all the Parents..whether its ours- humans, animals or insects...everyone does there duty in the right way...thats why we do not see much differences in the behaviour :)...I mean the mammals too ;)

Happy Teacher's Day!!!!

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 04, 2005

"Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it." was fun reading the it shows what people think about someone...where there is some name but no face :)!!!

I have often seen ..we as people making perception about others by just looking at them, there style or personality...even though we dont know much about them.

"Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things."

So..for me such quizy & mix n match kinda games are more fun..:)

Results, rewards are mere a key factor for motivation and to keep the spirit high ...:D

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

So whats so ever it is...for me its a great feeling that everyone did participate...the love & affection and more over the time...yes havent you heard ..."Time is money"....indeed everyone has contributed that...for ME...and I feel honoured :)

"Honor is simply the morality of superior men." hug (most commonly known in India as "Jaadu ki Zhappi") is for all...and this Buddha (laughing buddha is considered lucky for all ) & the two chocolate cookies trying to hug eachother...shows all the love...with full of luck &

"Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart."

Just imagine the love am trying to share with you all ... lol

Lets talk about me ;)....the five facts :)

1. I am a known classical dancer in my school time..... took a lot of time for me to get it out of my system those times when I should have joined some classical dancer's school...the facility was not much!! Now when I see in Canada everywhere there is Indian Classical Dancers school...I just 'smile'.

2. My first crush for a guy was when I was in Xth grade...
NO...this never interested me as those times it was sports that was rocking in my mind :D

3. Friends used to call me 'Hitler' when they saw one of my childhood pic....
Yes....the pic is very innocent looking with chubby cheeks...a nice outfit with a fountain pen in my hand ...dont know what made them say that they feel the stirctness n discipline has come from the defence ...:D

4. My first boyfriend was a Captain in Army never tempted me ...:) I have friends though ;)

5. I love ghazals and my fav singer is Pinaz Masani only fav is Jagjit Singh and no one else a die hard fan!!!!

6. I am crazy about Shahrukh Khan

7. My fav. cartoon is 'Tom & Jerry' all time a child and still :D

8. I love to play cards & I am always the winner
NO.....I dont know how this game is played...many tried to teach me so that I can at least be used as a filler when ppl find difficulty in finding one person to complete the team :) but...invain !!!!

9. In field hockey, I was known for my long shots, good passing & finally making goals sports teacher n coach were always proud about me :)

10.I am very superstitious & make sure things happen at the auspicious times only
NO...never!!!! am a Karma believer :) most of them know about I have depicted this in other's blog often!!!

11.I am a great fan of junk food & carbonated drinks, I can stay without food but not the junk food & drink junk food n no carbonated drinks.....coke pepsi kuch nahi :)

12.Once my pic came in a Company magazine for academics being the topper in Univ...did boost my Dept...;) for personal growth & achievement I was caught for the magazine by the HR!

13.I am scarred of ghosts & related stories
NO...I dont believe since I have not seen it :)

14.Even today I dont go to bed until someone tells me bed-time stories. some of you have quoted here...there's no one to tell me the bed-time stories :) & sleep is never away frm me when I lay my head on the pillow ;)

15.I like to grow my nails long enough till they break by themselves.
No...long nails...irritate me often!!! hence I cut them more often!!!!

So the person who topped in this is Gumnaaaam :) (that was a surprise..its been hardly a year that we know eachother...great job gal!!!

@avik: you are correct on 3 things ..thats really great as far as you know me...amazing guesses!!! Thnx

@mirzaghalib: wow 4/5 amazing!!! :)

@gumnaaaam: actually you pass :D...5/5 awesome!!!

@bombayite: wow...your guesses about me were so wild hehehe...u score 2/5 ;) cheers!

@manish: am so glad about your confidence...maaan gaye ;)... 3/5 adaab :D

@keshi: am so amazed with the logic that u used...awesome...I thought you got it all but...sshhh its 4/5 ...marvellous..I must salute you dear :) Thnx so much !!

@puneet: hmmm this time its U following keshi! you also get 4/ there any kidding but I liked the logic that was running through ur mind...I enjoyed reading them all ...same as I did for keshi's :D Thnx

@arz00n: Welcome dear I really appreciate your comments...felt very nice..! No one knows me that way..if you would have tried am sure you would have also scored more than...3 at least ;) come again...thnx...!!!

@nuyi: glad that u got some time after all thnx to the long weekend you were about to get disqualified since u answered 6, instead of 5...but then U so nice as per your corrected answer sheet ...:p you score... 3/5 :D...& I know why you selected "14th" hahaha...:) there are some facts about me which I didnt knew haha!! cool..!! Thnx

@kl: oh my dear dear so happy to see you here on my so glad!!! Good luck and lots of best wishes...but am sure even if you would have given a try...U would have scored...but let me know wht were ur answers still ;)

"There is no such thing as failure. There are only results."

Friends, finally a thank you note to all ...since all of you showed the enthusiasm to participate and I consider that is a big step...its not how many of them get what...its the love & time that you all gave blessed !!!!

"The world is run by those who show up."
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A Tale of Two Feminist Narratives

Cinema has long been a powerful medium to challenge societal norms, and both The Great Indian Kitchen (2021, Malayalam) and Mrs (2024, Hin...