Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Every word written is a victory against death...!

The other day I was watching this movie...'Sau jhooth aur ek sach' (100 lies over one truth), something like that. The reason I watched this movie was coz there are actors like..Vikram Gokhale (marathi theater pro and a great actor) & Mamooty (Keralite film actor, National award winner), in it.

The movie was well captured..through out I liked Vikram Gokhale's natural acting and was finding it funny with Mamooty's hindi speaking skills...I really had a good laugh !!!

"Natural abilities are like natural plants; they need pruning by study".
Red Auerbach

Something that stick in to my mind when Mamooty asks why anyone writes a 'diary' ? for which his answer is that when a person is lonely!!!!!!!!!! Something which I dont agree with..! It could be just a phrase to continue the story of the movie however, it made me think and write over here :)

"The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say".
F. Scott Fitzgerald

I am thinking who so ever must be reading this post of mine, do ponder your I write diary as a child and its not that I was ever a lonely child...!

"Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted".
Jules Renard

But then what Sidney Sheldon has to say....
"A blank piece of paper is God's way of telling us how hard it to be God".

I find immense peace in expressing myself and giving that flying power to my thoughts and opportunity to my dreams to at least have the trial of making an effort to achieve them :)

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing".
Benjamin Franklin

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PuNeEt said...

me first

howz u doing

Yes I agree
A person writes coz he has to say something

Although I started writing diary when I felt lonely… but that’s not the reason for writing diary now… the memory just flashes back… at times we express ourselves best in a diary…

I have now developed a flair for writing… and it has enhanced my creativity…

Good post dear

Unknown said...

mammuka rocked big time in Dalpati and Vikram Ghokale rocked in Agnipath ... Lets remake Agnipath... aaaih!! kya bolti...

and yes I know why people write the diary.. 1. to remind them who has takem money 2. abuse people who havent returned their money. 3. to impress others by showing off thier 'intellectual mastrubation"
4. utilize the free diary they whcih thier dad flicks from the office.
5. to look psued :))

Zyenab said...

They say It's hard to write, but it's harder not to.
But i think this quote is applicable for those who are addicted of writing diaries.I personaly tried a lot to be regular with my diary but since it is not my habbit from my childhood therefore i never be regular with it...most of the time i quit writting thn start after a while and tht goes on..:)

Diary is something which reflects ones peronality,those who are addicted of writing has all there good and bad days writen with them...which for sure is quality prodcut...when they will grow old..there kids might read and laugh.. mum u did this u did tht...aww..u slapped papa :O hahaha

Besides everything i must say am amaized to see the pic :D

u r soo sweet :)
Thnxz ;)

Dawn said...

@puneet: true when you are alone only then your true feelings and emotions come out to spell out...and diary helps you to put it in your own words, without looking for language..or moments & thats when a painter can draw freely what he has in his/her mind :)
Thanks for liking the post!

@bombayite: hmmmm, I never had this perspective of 'diary writing' cool dude that you mentioned about it...its knowledge to me :)

@gumnaaaam: I agree diary writing cannot be one can be so punctual and can play game with 'Time' :) but when it really hits your strings of heart and mind that makes you sit at a table & jott down something which you feel your words will modify and do justice to it :)
keep cherishing memories as I do often ;)

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