Friday, May 13, 2005

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it

"Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. "

So truly said I feel so much relaxed...even though am told to work 18 hours per day ..nights and weekends !!!! As they say nothing is free ;) hahaha my spl friend is my boss as well :D so have to do it...either for boss or either for spl friend ....hard way isn't it ...but there is a bribe for me in that...if I work as mentioned then I get extra week and guess what...I don't even have to choose spl friend says ...go to California...:D I laughed like a crazy there...seems like a plan...;) am all set for!!!!

I am much looking ahead for this weekend and even though its raining here ...with cold gonna be shopping ;) isn't that fun!!!!
Today I actually had so much fun at work spl friend really made me laugh like anything...and I believe laughing is the best medicine ;) and guess what there is no tax on it :D

Today...I saw one senior citizen..she got into the room and was staring at all the things that was in the reception area...first she saw those fresh flowers on the desk...she just loved it..went straight to it and started taking the fresh scent of the flowers and said..'hmm lilly...its so this real :).!! she did talk a little about the flowers and then she started staring at a was lush green....with some purle flowers near by a one can see the reflection of those lush green leaves in the water and hence the entire painting was so soothing...she kept on praising the picture...and she said its so peaceful!!!!! I was wondering...I had seen so many times that painting on the wall but I was never my intention was always to finish my task and rush to gave me a break to really look at the painting and I did thought for a while...we hardly get to see the real lush green...and we crave so much for it that our thirst is quenched by looking at the picture itself....imagine why people go on vacation to tropical get out of the stress and hussel bussel of life.....!

"Why do plants have such a positive impact on us? "
There are a number of reasons, including: They have a predictable cycle of life that provides comfort in our time of rapid change. They are responsive but nonthreatening. They form no opinions or judgments about their caregivers. They soften our man-made environment. They enable us to change or improve our environment. They promote relaxation and tranquility.

That's how I feel ;) btw, the white thing in the picture is ...any guess?? ...chicken :)

There is more to life than increasing its speed;)
Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Dawn said...

larssvendson: Thanks lars for the visit and kind comment :) please do come again!

dave: you betcha...infact the old lady taught me something there :)...thanks for ur visit...please come again n do guide :)

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