Monday, April 17, 2006

The busy have no time for tears

“I thought that I had no time for faith nor time to pray, then I saw an armless man saying his Rosary with his feet”

I am a bit busy with my new project…and hence my absence…am touched by my readers and friends around here…I am away but not far from you all …:D as you all live in my heart ;)

“Love is missing someone whenever you are apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you are close in heart”


Sujit said...

Yeah, that ture.. we feel very much apart but so pretty much close.

Sarah said...

hmmmm..missing someone you truly an ache..

Keshi said...

aww this post says how much u really care for ur friends here! I have hope in net friendships now...huggggggggggz!


Masood Ahmed said...

come up with a blasting post soon:)

Dawn said...

sujit: :D it happens I guess everywhere …

immigrant in canada: yes…in no time strangers become so close to us…that a moment not met is like a long gap …

keshi: I didn’t even know that ur post is gonna be on virtual friends…:D so I guess this was right on time …;)
Hugggggz my dear to u

masd: Oh dear…u really inspiring me with those words :D…
Thnx a ton dear

kumarldh said...

good quote
as usual i will publish it on bewajah

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