Saturday, June 03, 2006

“Silence is the true friend that never betrays.”

“Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.”

Have you ever thought why nature. …sculptures. paintings….looks beautiful to us…? Sometimes we forget that they don’t speak…they are in silence and are created in such a way that one can look in to them to know what they speak but that too with a silence…isn’t that amazing?
In short we prefer silence to speech! If it wasn’t that way then why do we see people who have the privilege of speech and we see that they misuse it by arguments, fights and inappropriate words and notions to hurt others.

“There are times when silence has the loudest voice”
“I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strangely, I am ungrateful to these teachers” ~ Khalil Jibran

I was with the notion that its great to be able to talk as we at least can express ourselves. I have heard people who even though can talk aren’t privileged to speak or express because they are dominated or harassed by someone who is very inhuman and mean to them.
Woman in the society is often treated so…where she has not many rights…if so then she should be in her limits…and these limits no one decides but others for her.

“Silence is the most powerful scream.”

But as I see world more and more…and live to experience each moments in and around life… I presume silence is the best!
And then this thought came to my mind…whenever I went to Niagara…I was lost in those waterfalls…somewhere far but without even I knowing about it! It took me away from myself…and that silence is so divine!

“Silence is a great source of strength”

Similarly nature…I remember as a child I always used to look for our recess time in school as that gave me opportunity to go and sit near this lake. There was a big tree with shade and the sun setting his rays appropriately letting one to go through the spa effect and the silence of water often disturbed by the dry leaves or fruits that used to fall in.. due to the squirrels running around!

“Do not speak unless you can improve the silence”

That’s where I developed the interest in William Wordsworth’s poem! I used to often go with my friend Maitree…when the bell used ring we used to rush to our classes…and we often felt that we both did some kind of meditation and it was a rejuvenating feel!

“Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.”

So I prefer this saying, which I remember seeing in my school’s library section
“Silence is Golden”

….but then when its Jagjit Singh’s voice…I feel the same even though he is expressing some poet’s feelings :D

“Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music.”


Karin said...

WOW Dawn .. every single sentence stated here about silence is soooooo true!! Not only that ... in silence one can find the true self, silence often gives thoughts which ran haywire before - fall in place and all of a sudden to make sense! Silence is indeed powerful , VERY powerful!!
BTW ... Shama - my mom did that too and you better believe - I understand in an instant!!!!!

Manish Kumar said...

Great post ! Well presented

മര്‍ത്ത്യന്‍ said...

Silence will not tell you that I liked the post :)

Sujit said...

wow.. last sentence strikes for the post!.. indeed its the silence that speaks out when we see nature!!.. or be with art or music.. everything else closes down.. and heart speaks to themm. into a conversation that no else can hear..except you!!

Darius said...

I guess on the one hand, there's silence; and on the other hand, there's silence. That is, there's the kind of silence that results from being silenced - oppressed; and the kind of silence that's refreshing and a change from talk.

Dawn said...

shama: Oh boy…you talk about mothers..I still get those cold shivers when she gives that look but since am far from her…she mix them with a slight pinch of smile ;)
I liked ur comments dear

I love munich: I loved that ‘wow’ of yours…felts very straight coming from your heart..Karin give me a hug dear on that one :D…!
Now tell me the truth Karin…ever have you given or give that kind of look…now c’mon tell us the truth :D…
Cheers dear

manish: Thank you so much…now that’s something I am so proud to get from you…as you are one of the best critic buddy that I have ever found one :D
Cheers dear

marthyan: Well..I still feel that silently you sneaked here and wrote those precious words and disappeared…and silently I read it all and understood too :D
Nice one buddy, thanks on that one…keep coming

sujit: Yes…I also felt that should be the nerve of all :D…thanks dear to see u here

gaurav jain: WOW now that’s an honor to me with that kind of comparison :D…am sure the silence of the night will take you to sleep and will make you all fresh for the dawn when you get up …still the nights will be with the silent stories and dreams :D…I hope it happens so :D
Thanks for visiting here come again!

darius: Welcome to my blog dear and thanks for that kind of differentiation and clarification which is like a thin line you drew the picture so easily :D..Thanks for that dear!
Do come again

Romeo Morningwood said...

Serenity dwells here.

I was reminded of three things while reading your post.

Firstly, how we have two ears to listen with and only one mouth. Controlling our mouth is one of the hardest tasks to master in our lifetime.

Silence of the oppressed is a death sentence and those who speak out are necessary to combat those who would shut us up and destroy us. Martin Luther King is reknown as such a voice and had he been silent the civil rights struggle would have lingered much longer.

Lastly, Keith Richards of all people, spoke of being a musician and using the silent pauses inbetween notes as a painter uses the blank spaces in a painting. I have always thought it peculiar that a perceived elegantly wasted expensive wino such as Richards could divulge such a mysteriously deep insight into music.

Keshi said...

omg Dawn this is SUCH A BEAUTIFUL post! Thank u so much for this! U have written it so beautifully with very beautiful quotes to go with it...

**Sometimes we forget that they don’t speak..

so true...the sculptures that never have a voice speal volumes to me...isnt that so true!

And the ppl who constantly crib convey nothing to us...this includes me cos I can be a real whinger sometimes haha!

**Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music.

I like that quote very much!

btw I have learnt alot from this future I wish to keep quiet in issues I think that needs no voice...the ones that will be best understood/conveyed by silence.


Helen Wang said...

Very nice essay of silence! I like the pictures go with it too!

starry said...

Beautiful..I like your Blog.Just stopped to say hello.

direkishore said...

nice post and very good quotes. silence is golden indeed.
infact i have experienced the same on these two things: experiencing niagara and jagjit's voice :)

Saher said...

very well said. Your flow was simply great!


Dawn said...

homo escapeons: Welcome homo to Dawn’s blog world…am so glad to read your beautiful thoughts…pls do come again…

keshi: Am really glad to hear that dear…hugggzzzzzz :D….I feel my this life is at least now became of some worth..! Thanks for all the sweet words…u always remind me what a sister would be if I had one but now I have you :D…
hugggz n lots of love to u dear

helen wang: Thanks so much Helen for coming back and encouraging and appreciating this post n pictures…pls do come again

starry nights: Starry dear…welcome to my blog…I liked your gesture of saying hello…do visit to see how am doing :D…Thank you for your compliment. do come again

direkishore: WOW another fan of Jagu…am so glad :D….Thanks…do come again!

saher: Hey dear…its good to see u here again…pls do come again and thanks so much for all the appreciation…Smile always yes..ur right

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