Monday, September 24, 2007

The country is full of good coaches. What it takes to win is a bunch of interested players

Today is special day for two reasons…one for India to win the Twenty-20 World cup and second for getting my childhood friend back :)

"Life becomes precious and more special to us when we look for the little everyday miracles and get excited about the privileges of simply being human" ~ Tim Hansel

Day started with a slight dry cough but the excitement of this cricket match was more severe than anything else!

By now the whole world know about it, I only want to say young people can always do better but the older ones can guide too ;)! Yes, that’s what I feel- respect for those who did a good job in their time too!

“How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser. “ -Lou Holtz

The match started on a rough note but later took a good lead though the runs were not that good which would give a tough time to the Pak team!

When Pak innings came…it was going so well with all pressure on Pak that suddenly with bunch of sixes the pressure slowly slipped on to Indian team…boy this match was worth the money that people might have spent to watch it in South Africa. History was made!!!

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a mans determination” -Tommy Lasorda

I was mesmerized with the win when my childhood friend came online and we were just chatting for hours, cherishing memories which will never come back neither we can go to them! I was amazed to hear about myself as a lot has changed and as my friend kept on saying about me…I was like exploring myself – the childhood and my nature as a kid!

We as friend supported each other, played so many games, read books and what not!!!

“True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value”

It was living that life again as my friend was reading the page out of our childhood.

I loved being with my friend and chatting for so long..!

We promised to be in touch with each other and not loose each other in the midst of busy life.

I am so glad my friend I found you at last :)

“Those truly linked don't need correspondence. When they meet again after many years apart, Their friendship is as true as ever” ~ Deng Ming-Dao


Keshi said...

yeyyyyyyyy WELL DONE INDIA!


Art said...

THat's nice!

Manish Kumar said...

Pak tie.....England, SA.,Australia & then Pak again..enjoyed the whole tournament...but yesterday tension was sometimes unbearable.

Juhi said...

Way to go...hopefully India will be on a uphill climb now

starry said...

Hooray for India. I am glad u found your friend.I love this quote"“True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value"

WWG said...

Hi, Good Blog!
Look from Quebec Canada

WWG :)

krystyna said...

Hi Dawn!
I'm so excited reading your today's post (without a cup of coffee)!
Congratulations for India and for your found friend.
Enjoy your day!

Priya said...

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a mans determination” -Tommy Lasorda


Anonymous said...

We are all proud of this great win...& really determination & passion are the keywords here, which have made the impossible into possible...!

Kaunquest said...

its great to start enjoying cricket again!

Michelle said...

i was never an ardent cricket fan but the india vs aus and india vs pak has got me hooked onto cricket like never before!

Amandeep Singh said...

U said that :)

Shiva said...

Glad that you met your friend. Heard the Match was good and it just proves that room should be given for youngster.

Hope your dry cough is gone

iamnasra said...

Maybe once you are back we are having at LIP ( honoring the voice of Mystic Rose..please join us and share your thoughts on Mystic Rose

Thanks ..Nasra

iamnasra said...

Maybe once you are back we are having at LIP ( honoring the voice of Mystic Rose..please join us and share your thoughts on Mystic Rose

Thanks ..Nasra

Dawn said...

keshi: Thanks dear

art: Thanks!

manish: yes it was awesome indeed

juhi: I guess they r the world champs :D

starry nights: Thanks dear

wwg: Thanks will do soon

krystyna: Wow! That’s a big compliment my dear…am thankful to you dear!
Thanks for ur kind words always

priya: Thanks dear

kalyan: True!

kaunquest: am glad :)

michelle: wow welcome n now stick to it its fun ;)

standbymind: Thanks dear

shiva: Thanks dear am back fine! Yes its still going well as world champs :)

iamnasra: Sure will do

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