Friday, January 22, 2016

Sweet childish days, that were as long As twenty days are now. ~William Wordsworth

A short story slam week 37 at Bluebell Books for Happy January...!

Due to global warming everywhere things are upside down.
The seasons have become ill-mannered.  In short, summer in California has turned out to be monsoon season and New York where snow has to embrace the earth, its hot out there.

As I remember my childhood days, summer used to be so soothing. The school summer vacation used to start and mango season – wow! The thought brings back the memories of those days when there was no timetable and no schedules. You wake up when you want to and just plan your own ways how to proceed the day ahead.
There were times when school vacation used to be at granny’s place in Kerala and when we were not going to Kerala, it was at home playing whole day with friends.

Morning till evening I used to play carom board with friends and each time we play it used to improve me as a good player. The goal was to learn best of the best techniques to focus and to aim in such a way that I was able to put the coins in the pockets in a timely ways along with grabbing the queen coin which has more points :).
Such good were those days where internet or video games didn’t keep us away from our friends and family. It was more in person time and I think it increased the bond between friends too, unlikely today where people are more glued with devices. 
My dream summer camp used to be to have a small hut, yes not tent but a small hut in the middle of the farm where there is a small river flowing with fresh water and sun shining its love on us and at night the soothing moonlight that plays music to the tune of the breeze across coming from the farm. When hungry pick the vegetables from the farm and cook it and eat it with friends.

Those were the dreams which I think I can still dream about because its not summer anymore in California …and the short story slam week at Bluebell readers can enjoy this dream that I am sharing here with you all..!

One thing I did this new year is, introduced carom board game to my kids. My little one was eager to learn the game and the concept of family sitting together and playing the game made me so happy that the long weekend went playing carom board. My son loved the concept of family coming together…am glad he understands even in this era of technology! Happy January !!!

~ Dawn


Anonymous said...

amazing memory,
a record like this tickles itself.

Anonymous said...

good luck on your dreams.

kaykuala said...

Used to remember those school holidays too. One can read books all the time as the others were also reading books. Not now. The internet age turns things topsy-turvy with lots of noise from the game and players!


Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

sweet past remarks a profound story here.
thanks for sharing.

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...

small kids are educable.

Anonymous said...

powerful insights.

Anonymous said...

very excellent job.
daily life encounters are what we do and need to see others and reflect ourselves.

Anonymous said...

bless your childhood,
keep upbeat!

Dawn said...

Thank you all for your comments and wishes... happy reading and writing

Dawn said...

Thank you all for your comments and wishes... happy reading and writing

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