Monday, April 10, 2017

Life is a game, play it; Life is a challenge, Meet it; Life is an opportunity, Capture it...!!!

It's been twenty years since I left my home for an adventurous journey.
There is a saying that everything is decided for you, it's called destiny. I am not sure how much it is true but the fact that I always had in my mind was that I will never leave Pune - my home town ever!
My experience had been that the moment I say or decide in my mind that I cannot do something - my heart always takes that route. It seems like my heart and mind are two such siblings who are there to tease and motivate each other. Probably, that's the reason that 20 years ago I did leave my home town Pune to an unknown journey in another country Canada.

"What you're missing is that the path itself changes you" ~ Julien Smith

We say one should plan ahead for everything and I have seen many people, who plan their journey, their marriage, kids etc.. but I always had more fun when things were unplanned. Probably that's the reason I enjoy managing IT projects because there is still some uncertainty that remains no matter how much you plan and analyze and still there is that excitement of making things meet no matter whether the project lands as per the plan or not.

"The best part of the journey is the surprise and wonder along the way" ~ Ken Poirot

My journey in Canada and thereafter life was something like a new released movie, where sometimes I have waited to see what will be next as supposed to do something to make happen things for me. When you are alone you take risks and it's like that roller-coaster ride where you have the fear and the pleasure of the highs and lows. As along as you are alive and breathing all is good.

"Some journeys can only be traveled alone" ~ Ken Poirot

My reflection back to all these 20 years outside of my home where I grew up is very enriching, learning and knowing humans from around the world. 
At home, I have contacts to reach, if nothing then at least I can use my parents name and get some reference. Here in Canada, no one knows my parents and no one knows me either. The struggle to create your identity through your unlimited hardwork and determination to do something and not get defeated or discouraged is what kept me going. Do what your heart says and whether you achieve it fully or not yet what you experience while trying is a big reward of learning and enjoyment in itself.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Even today, my strength is my those days. You look back and say, I survived those struggling days of looking for someone to call in sick where I get the opportunity to earn my minimum wage, those moments when I don't know how to sell and then I have to sell myself (my skills), for the job where 100s have applied, or sell the products which I have never used and probably will not be able to use as I don't know if I ever reach to that level where I can earn enough to buy these products.... from those days to today - it still gives me that kick to take risk.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" ~ Helen Keller

In all these years one thing is consistent with me and that is no matter how the conditions are never miss to LIVE, because when you're fearless then you're life is limitless!!!

~ Dawn 

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