Thursday, December 07, 2017

Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession earth can give...!

These days we see so many incidents, messages, tweets, videos in social media talking about 'stand up'!
Yes, I don't want to mix this with the usual tech industry norms of 'stand-up' meeting.

Standing up for self and for others is basically asking defend and be strong. This is what I teach my kids because I always have this fact behind my mind that one day I will be gone and kids will have to face this world all by themselves.
We all know how this world is and it's not easy to live in. My thinking used to be that as we move forward in life we will be more intelligent and will be more human but that's not the reality.

"Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door" ~ Charles Dickens

My son is a big fan of Katy Perry the American songwriter and singer, since he was 5 years old. He loves her songs and he sings them as well. Since then he has been after me to go for Katy Perry's concert and not only this but he would also check if she is performing anywhere. Years passed but he would come and tell she is performing in London or Costa Rica, can we go and I had to tell him it's far and expensive to go for a concert in those places.
Finally, it happened and Katy Perry's tour was announced on the 101.3 radio and I got excited about it only because I could imagine my son's excitement if he would know about it.

I went ahead and booked the ticket even though it was way too early. His excitement and happiness had no limits and at the same time he thanked a million times for this opportunity to watch Katy Perry's live concert.

He also requested if possible can we buy her t-shirt at the concert and I said sure!

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything" ~ Plato

The concert was good, we all enjoyed it as by now we knew all the songs that Katy Perry has sung and more over those who have attended her concert know that she is a great performer and entertainer as well. We bought t-shirt and my son was so happy and excited that he was ready to wear the t-shirt to his school and let the world know that he finally did attend Katy Perry's concert.

I was really happy for him being a music lover I know the excitement of attending the concerts as I do all the time.

He went to school wearing Katy Perry's t-shirt and couple of kids teased him why he is wearing a t-shirt that has a girl on it. We got to know all this only when he returned that afternoon from school. What I saw was a strong person in my son. He clearly told them he is a big fan of Katy Perry and he likes her and hence he is wearing the t-shirt. He also said, I support her, don't you support your mom and/or sister?
I was amazed at his stand! However, I didn't like when I heard his friend was nagging about this as why he wore that t-shirt. I felt this should be reported to the office, because no one should tell anyone what they should do. It's everyone's individual choice.
I was reading few quotes to my son on the internet and I showed some of Martin Luther King Jr. quotes which spoke about standing up for self and for others. I told my son, today what you did is for self and I am proud of you.

"Our children have to be educated in the values of equality, freedom of choice and democracy" ~Ehud Barak

Couple weeks went by and as I was folding the clothes from the laundry wash, he sees the t-shirt is washed and the response comes, yay! I see my t-shirt seems got washed, nice and clean so I can wear this tomorrow to school!
I was surprised and happy too!
I was surprised because last time when he wore that t-shirt he had an incident at school and now he is again going to wear it and I was nervous again things will be different. So, I asked my son, 'are you sure? You want to wear this even though you know what happened last time?'
My son's response was cute, 'I don't care what anyone says. I like Katy Perry and I will wear the t-shirt again.'

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

This made me feel very proud about my son. It could be a small thing but this is important step in life, to stand up for self. One should have the freedom to choose what they want and not others to choose for them.

His best friend asked again, why you are wearing that girl's t-shirt and my son had an answer for him.
'Would you support your mom, sister and your girl cats?' If your answer is yes, then this is for Katy Perry and I support her!'

It is very important to have that freedom to choose for self. Today he stood for himself and I am sure he will stand for others too!

"There is no such thing as freedom of choice unless there is freedom to refuse" ~David Hume

~ Dawn

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