Thursday, May 10, 2018

They should tell you when you're born: have a suitcase heart, be ready to travel...

This morning I read Shweta Nanda’s article on empty nest. I applaud her to acknowledge something like this and not shy away because of the celebrity status quo.
Some of her call outs in the article made me think that may be for homemakers sometimes it’s more difficult than the women who have career outside. Homemakers focus, and dedication is all around the home and associated with it and hence when kids go away the void is bigger than what the working women can feel and that is because working women share some space with outside world whether it be with work and with colleagues and friends.

“You will never achieve what you are capable of if you’re too attached to things you’re supposed to let go of.”

Homemakers have to start from the scratch and that itself is a change which could be challenging, one can feel that more in the article.
I also read in her article about “life is flawed, there is no such thing as a soulmate and nothing lasts forever is so empowering.”

This statement made me a bit sad or should I say I still want to believe there is something called soulmate and yes when nest is empty one can plan life with their soulmate, it could be traveling, a peaceful walk/hike or even spending time together doing similar tastes of hobbies. But given that kids have gone and now your partner is also not there then definitely its individual choice that one needs to make and for a working woman she may have many options by choosing a job which gives more travel opportunity or travel to different country and work there as long as you want to stay there and move on to next and so on.
But yes, when you hear nothing lasts forever that kind of gives you freedom and hence it is empowering.

“We have nothing that is really our own; we hold everything as a loan.” ~ Nicolas Poussin

All this tells me is process for detachment and this doesn’t have to be until the kids leaves the nest. It can start early by teaching your kids to be independent early enough to manage their own things with parental guidance.

I often think of those moments where kids will go away, and my heart should not cry or depend on them. Of course, as a mother you will always care for the well-being of your children but when children have left then we should allow them to lead their life the way they want as by now we have raised an adult who will make the decision that is appropriate for them at least.

Basically, it ends up with a task completion of raising kids and let them fly and we move on with another task which should be nourish yourself that gives more happiness and contentment in life.

“If you depend on others to make your dream come true, it may not ever happen.” ~ Dawn

~ Dawn

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength

The fear of dying is not that much as much as fear of losing is, why?
Because we are well aware that dying means it’s a complete dead end and it won’t matter to us anymore if anything happens.
It is totally different while you are alive, how deal with day to day activities and incidents. Based on these I always feel human is not futuristic at all because we are always worries with our immediate requirements and how to fulfill them.
How come we don’t worry everyday about driving our car to work or whatever our destination may be? Because driving a motor car is more dangerous if we are not careful and can cause damage to self and others, that’s more chaos yet without much thinking we take our car keys and walk out of the door with the confidence that we will be back home. We even tell our family, dog and everyone that see you in the evening. But then we worry about what if I lose this job today or tomorrow? What if I am not able to pay my mortgage? What if I am not making money? Will that make a huge impact? Or will I survive?

“People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

I would say leave all that worry behind, when we cannot control something, not even death then why worry unnecessarily about anything?
If things have to happen then it will happen, and the consequences will be seen and mitigated accordingly then. I truly take this guidance from my Dad because even when someone pick-pocket a large sum money from his pocket, my Mom was concerned about the money that is gone and my Dad was like it’s gone so no point in worrying. All I look at it as that money was not meant for me.
So easy, phew! I also agree with that why worry about something which is already gone? And why worry about something which has not happened yet?

Be worry free and live life every moment ~ Dawn

~ Dawn

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance...!

Time many people call is valuable and is running all the time.
I wonder doesn’t this time gets tired of running this fast all the time?
And why should we run around him like a slave, when we say don’t be anyone’s slave?
So many contradictory statements we make and still we follow them, why?
Are we so hypocrite or we are helpless in front of all these?
This doesn’t help, because what is the use of being knowledgeable and yet can’t follow what we believe in?
Why we call ourselves independent and yet see ourselves tied to a clock, a calendar, a place and so many such things?
We do call things are all materialistic and we should keep ourselves free of them, yet this dilemma, why?
Do we really know that we still follow things that we don’t want to follow?
Are we confused that we stumble upon things like a trolley and just go by the flow and speed?
Or is it that we make a goal for ourselves calling it a passion and the rest is tied-up to all these immaterial things that bind us, tie us to a tracking system?
Why we are and what we are?
There might be an answer for each one which might be different. I am searching mine hope you find yours.

~ Dawn

Monday, May 07, 2018

Do not become a slave to society...!

Last week I happened to watch a regional movie. It was funny with the name ‘Uncle, my dad’s friend’.

The name was such that one would only imagine what it could be…but anyway I didn’t put much effort to my mind.

As the movie was progressing it was kind of building a suspense as one can expect anything and when I say anything the hype is being created about a possible molestation or a rape only because there is a male and female are involved.

I agree with the kind of things happening in the society, people do make up their mind to tune to one aspect of it and always tend to think the worse than anything good.

“We are fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction.” ~ Suzanne Collins

Here the situation is a friend’s daughter is near the bus-stop to catch a bus to go home which is in another state. The guy who is this girl’s dad’s friend recognizes her helps to drop her home. Since the journey is long and tiring they do take a halt at one of the places and next morning they continue on their journey. During all this time the audience is built with suspicion is it here things will go wrong or yet to happen. Anyway, there is nothing between the two, but the society doesn’t seem that way and hence they create a fuss about this two traveling alone. Even when the parents accept that their daughter spoke to them and they are aware of their daughter being dropped by this family friend, society doesn’t see it right and they even blame the parents for sending a grown-up girl with a guy.

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” ~ Milton Friedman

What makes me surprise is that even though the daughter and uncle and her parents all are on same page, but the society is so narrow minded that even a good man will be painted with rapist, womanizer and a molester – that’s the society we are living in.

“Society is funny. They ask you to be yourself and yet they judge you.”

These days it’s not limited to man and woman as it can be for LGBTQ members as well. When will society really mind their business and help the world navigate in the right direction? When will we start seeing through a lens where we are not discriminating and treating everyone as human? Society never comes to help when and where it is needed, they will always do the opposite – why?

On Twitter I read this, and it really made me sad …

Me: I'm just not happy.

Bishop: You need a family, it's the only way to be truly happy.

Me: I'm gay.

Bishop: You don't need a family, you can still take the sacrament as long as you don't act on this.

Me: What do I do? I'm lonely.

Bishop: Pray, the Lord will help.

I am not here to change anyone’s belief, but I want to tell that look after for your happiness and protect yourself. Because if you don’t take care of yourself no Lord will do. Because the lord lives in you. Please do not suffer in silence.

There is a reason for your existence, and you must be strong to set example and help others who might be in the similar path of suffering.

“No two leaves are alike, and yet there is no antagonism between them or between the branches on which they grow.” ~ M.K. Gandhi

~ Dawn


Sunday, May 06, 2018

"Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation"

Yesterday I was supposed to post this but got busy with things and didn't get a chance so here it is.

When people say no matter what you should forgive others and move on, it's not a morality thing only or a saying or a quote.
I believe we all are human and hence we make mistakes and we learn from our mistakes. It's easy to say learn from others mistake but some situations never come around as if it's going to repeat someone else's mistake. It's just that we are not aware of things at times or situations that make us fall for and later repent. These kinds of mistake we do and better be learn a lesson from it. At the same time, the mistake that we do what impact it brings on others is a big one depending on the type of mistake.
Some mistakes we do is by getting hurt and some mistakes are by hurting others. In all this I believe if we all understand and forgive each other it is like a meditation. I remember my grandma used to tell there is nothing bigger than forgiveness.

"Forgiveness does not change the past but it does enlarge the future" ~ Paul Lewis Boese

Actually, it is true because when someone makes a mistake and instead of forgiving if you show the grudges or anger which is natural that as human you might have those emotions because you are hurt, then the person who made the mistake instead of feeling sorry would feel that good he did that. It's a natural instinct because if we don't treat each other with empathy we turn into avengers.

However, if you after lot of processing of course it is not easy because many times its the kind of grudge or ego that we all carry doesn't allow us to forgive and hence we all need the time to heal and make that attempt to forgive.

"To heal a wound you need to stop touching it"

The story is that when someone has made a mistake and they are sorry for the same, and forgiveness is given thats the most tough time for the one who has made that mistake as he is feeling so much regret and ashamed of what he/she it helps them to atone for their mistakes.

Otherwise, anger only brings anguish and revenge.

Forgive those who have hurt you because either they are not aware of it or did things accidentally. For you to live in peace is to forgive them and for them its your forgiveness that makes them mostly to reparation. 

~ Dawn

Friday, May 04, 2018

All I want is a clear mind and a happy heart :)

It is crazy I realize that when we are pumped up with energy, passion and time we commit too many things. Yes, that is how I feel because yesterday I was so full of energy to write about my poetry month experience that I committed to write each day a post and I thought at that time, I will be able to do so because I often have so many thoughts that I can jot down.

"Over-commitment is what happens when your enthusiasm for life collides with the reality of your calendar." ~ Rachel Schultz

Today, after the busy and good productive day mind is kind of blind and I thought I might write a poetry stating the frame of mind, but I guess it is better to state my mind in sentences.
A busy day with lot of planning and forward thinking on the process really gives an internal satisfaction to mind and heart specially when you love your job. Today is that day where I felt leadership minds coming together with the plan for that will bring success to the team and to the business. 

"A mind open to alternative perceptions is a mind aligned with love."  

It is very important not to burned down all the energy of your team and get a result which is quality wise lacking because at the end of the day its human to have work-life balance.
Being a disciplined and process oriented person I do believe that these processes do not tie you down just for the sake of it. It should make a sense and result out of it otherwise we have the option to modify it.
I see that happening after lot of discussions and its a happy ending... May the 4th be with you all!

"Clear your mind. Your heart is trying to tell you something."

Happy weekend

~ Dawn

Thursday, May 03, 2018

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect"

It was for the first time I did participate in the poetry month celebration where each day I was writing a poetry in Hindi and English.
Writing for me is something that comes from heart. I will not have anything written for days and weeks and that’s okay because mind has to process sometimes and it’s a dilemma what to process and extract out of it and what not to.
But putting oneself through challenge is also a fun, an art and it helps to see yourself how you perform.

“You must stay drunk on writing, so reality cannot destroy you.” ~ Ray Bradbury

I did poetry every day and that too in two different languages and made sure that before midnight I fulfill that deadline. However, I would like to confess that as the time nears to the end of the month you really get shortage on topics and the challenging aspect of that to me is that I am not able to write if it’s not from my heart. Hence, situations like that did allow me to do some soul searching within.

It’s a good practice and while I was in the middle of April poetry month I told myself probably I will continue this even next month and this is how it should continue. But by the time it was April 30th I felt I need to take a break 😊.

“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” ~ Frank Herbert

Hence, I thought of writing my experience of this writing poetry every day during poetry month. What surprising to me was that even though I was writing poetry in two different language my topic was different which makes me wonder why?

When I decided to work on this poetry each day for next 30 days, I found that I was focused, and my mind was not wandering anywhere because with the new job it’s interesting how I am enjoying the work, team and overall experiencing the change. In that whatever time is left it was for thinking for that day what happened or what stuck to my heart that I can write about.

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” ~ Louis L’Amour

Since I have joined the new company, I have been saving time on the commute and this is allowing me to read a lot. There has been lot of reading on the internet and it’s so amazing that I got back to my reading which is very addictive, and I have enjoyed this addiction in the past.

Even though I am late for this month by two days, I have decided to write prose on different topics based on what pricks my mind for that day. Today I had to share my poetry month experience and I hope my readers who liked and commented had some experience to share here.

Always challenge yourself it keeps you active and young ~ Dawn

~ Dawn

A Tale of Two Feminist Narratives

Cinema has long been a powerful medium to challenge societal norms, and both The Great Indian Kitchen (2021, Malayalam) and Mrs (2024, Hin...