Monday, May 07, 2018

Do not become a slave to society...!

Last week I happened to watch a regional movie. It was funny with the name ‘Uncle, my dad’s friend’.

The name was such that one would only imagine what it could be…but anyway I didn’t put much effort to my mind.

As the movie was progressing it was kind of building a suspense as one can expect anything and when I say anything the hype is being created about a possible molestation or a rape only because there is a male and female are involved.

I agree with the kind of things happening in the society, people do make up their mind to tune to one aspect of it and always tend to think the worse than anything good.

“We are fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction.” ~ Suzanne Collins

Here the situation is a friend’s daughter is near the bus-stop to catch a bus to go home which is in another state. The guy who is this girl’s dad’s friend recognizes her helps to drop her home. Since the journey is long and tiring they do take a halt at one of the places and next morning they continue on their journey. During all this time the audience is built with suspicion is it here things will go wrong or yet to happen. Anyway, there is nothing between the two, but the society doesn’t seem that way and hence they create a fuss about this two traveling alone. Even when the parents accept that their daughter spoke to them and they are aware of their daughter being dropped by this family friend, society doesn’t see it right and they even blame the parents for sending a grown-up girl with a guy.

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” ~ Milton Friedman

What makes me surprise is that even though the daughter and uncle and her parents all are on same page, but the society is so narrow minded that even a good man will be painted with rapist, womanizer and a molester – that’s the society we are living in.

“Society is funny. They ask you to be yourself and yet they judge you.”

These days it’s not limited to man and woman as it can be for LGBTQ members as well. When will society really mind their business and help the world navigate in the right direction? When will we start seeing through a lens where we are not discriminating and treating everyone as human? Society never comes to help when and where it is needed, they will always do the opposite – why?

On Twitter I read this, and it really made me sad …

Me: I'm just not happy.

Bishop: You need a family, it's the only way to be truly happy.

Me: I'm gay.

Bishop: You don't need a family, you can still take the sacrament as long as you don't act on this.

Me: What do I do? I'm lonely.

Bishop: Pray, the Lord will help.

I am not here to change anyone’s belief, but I want to tell that look after for your happiness and protect yourself. Because if you don’t take care of yourself no Lord will do. Because the lord lives in you. Please do not suffer in silence.

There is a reason for your existence, and you must be strong to set example and help others who might be in the similar path of suffering.

“No two leaves are alike, and yet there is no antagonism between them or between the branches on which they grow.” ~ M.K. Gandhi

~ Dawn


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