Monday, April 01, 2019

Racing with life or racing with nature

Racing with life or racing with nature,
Planning with life or planning to be with nature,
Multi-tasking in life or forgetting to focus,
Whatever you call it, its a race to be in the game,
Walking on the tar roads, looked up in the sky,
It's much beautiful what I see than what I do with hands,
Slowdown my heart says, because this moment will go soon,
The Sun may come again but it won't be the same,
The clouds may fly and land on the mountains but not like this,
The fragrance of the flowers, am sure won't be the same,
The rain drops that are falling today, won't be the same tomorrow,
Just slow down and enjoy, feel them, touch them and be with them,
A moment that we all want to be in but  keep it for later, 
Walk in the wilderness, smell the freshness of the woods,
Watch for those snails and let them live where they are,
Leaving the race behind, spend sometime with nature,
Because at the end these are the moments you cherish,
For long time in the game of life!

~ Dawn

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