Friday, August 16, 2019

O mangiar questa minestra o saltar questa finestra

There's no word that can express the feeling when our train reached at the shore. It's amazing how one can travel via road, rail and through water.
We reached and took the tickets for the ferry to come so we can reach our hotel in Venice.
It was happiness across as I have this childhood connection with Venice through this bollywood song from the movie The Great Gambler, where there are lyrics in Italian expresses love for his lover and very beautifully this song is composed and in my mind every minute this song was playing.

Don't they say always keep a song in heart? I was happy in my own way inside me.
Going around places, and watching every bit of it as everything has a connection... And the Venice Grand Canal was the one which took my heart, the bridge of sighs, St. Mark's square, Doges palace... If I don't share that song here then this post is incomplete.
Listen to this song and feel what's Venice is about through my eyes...
And for those who don't understand the lyrics, believe me love doesn't need a language, you will get it...!

We were guided by Andre who received us from the port and walked us to the hotel room, explained everything but we were not listening to him completely as we just got distracted with our room, the windows showing the narrow streets and the close neighborhood, all this brought happiness and we just said addio to Andre as he left.

Everyone took a shower and changed to go for a dinner. We realized it was 8 pm and some of the shops closes at 10 or 11 and so we started going around to see where we can eat. It was interesting as one wants to eat but at the same time look for more options of restaurants and time was something that was running too.
We finally decided to check in to one which was going to be closed in 30 minutes and when we checked they welcomed us. We all were really feeling very comfortable and happy at Venice. You really don't need much to be happy it's all in your mind.
After a delicious dinner we started walking around... My Moon was blooming with love and I couldn't stop gazing at him until we decided it's late, let's go to our room.
The interesting part was that these streets are like a maze, you get lost easily and what I heard from others also is that they all had experienced once getting lost in this maze.
Finally we figured out but learnt a lesson, specially me who made sure the address is well captured on Google maps and thanks to my phone that helped all the time to reach places no matter what.

Next day we planned for the gandola ride and we had decided we will take in the evening when the sun is calmer and still up. During the day we went around the palace, and it was so hot that we didn't feel any guilt in having gelatos every now and then.
And when in the evening we sat on the boat which you might have seen in the song above, exactly those moments were lived and mesmerized!

I think no matter how many pictures we took and how many times I looked around, I always felt it's less! I also sang that movie song, because that's how much it's in my system. You only need music, and love that too if people can appreciate and enjoy in that moment. 

Sailing in the boat, the boatman gave us the tour of places and showed us the house where Marco Polo lived and how that later got converted to an auditorium... And the market place where entire town comes to purchase their daily groceries... I talked to him about the bollywood movie and before I could say much he said I know that movie and have watched 300 times because that's the only movie that has Venice for so long... I am sure the song shows the Venice and the boatman which he always relates to himself probably and he said he loved the jazz music... There you go another one who got connected due to music even though he doesn't understand the language... We reached the shore as we were ending our ride and with a group picture we said addio to him!

As we were walking by at the St. Mark square my 12 year old felt like giving me a rose. It's amazing how kids as they are growing what all goes into their mind which tells that they are growing and how they are coping with the changes...! It was a sweet gesture and I will remember this life long. Don't they say a boy's first lover, friend and mentor is his mother 💕! Anyway I cherished that moment and captured in my heart and camera 😊.
We had our dinner at Marco Polo restaurant, it was interesting and cozy small place and what caught my eye was that people visited from all around and they left a currency with their names on it with them which was displayed on the ceiling...

I kinda liked that gesture... With a satisfying dinner we came back to room and packed as next morning we were supposed to leave though our flight from Marco Polo airport to Frankfurt was around 7:30 pm. 

We woke up easy and had late breakfast and went to see the bridges of sighs and spent little time and planned to catch the ferry to Marco Polo airport. It was an hour to reach but the ride was like a roller coaster ride with bumpy ride ..

but at the same time leaving this place was  somewhere making me a bit sad, I guess it's always a bitter sweet experience when you love a place and you're leaving because you were only a visitor here!

Senza tentazioni, senza onore!

~ Dawn

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