Monday, April 27, 2020

In the path of Jesus..

Tom came to pick me up that night,
If you ask me about Tom, don't know what to say 
I never had a chance to talk to him,
Whenever I am in the kitchen, he would come and ask
Are you married? I don't think so, they all lie about you,
Actually, I never had to answer his this question,
Because Pastor's wife would come by then,
And with anger will tell Tom to go to his room,
Then she would tell me kids in this country have too much freedom,
I would laugh at this and get busy with my work,
Today was the first time we both were in the car alone,
I was surprised and wondered too seeing him alone,
As soon I got in, I thanked him for picking me,
And he very nicely advised me this late at this place,
Its not safe, so you should be careful in future,
We were quiet entire journey and we reached at mid-night,
Pastor's wife was upset as she didn't like this late coming home,
It's not good to come home late but it was my job what can I do,
Pastor and his wife had different thoughts,
Pastor think this kind of job is not needed, as Jesus will take care
Pastor's wife think job is important but...!
In India women are not allowed to work late as per the law,
Here it seems everyone is equal from that perspective,
During this time Pastor took me to another Indian lady's house,
Here the lady converted from Hinduism to Pentecostal Christianity,
But her husband wanted to practice Hinduism at home,
I was introduced to her and told how she got converted,
And came to the noble path of Jesus and now she is happy,
She was expressing sadness for about her husband,
Because he still worships idols in the house and I was listening,
After the evening tea and snacks we left for home,
On the way Pastor started preaching and said,
You don't have to do anything just agree and,
I will help you with baptizing and you don't have to do anything,
In the path of Jesus as soon you step in you will find glory,
Respecting his age and being my landlord, politely I smiled,
I said, sure we will do and let's see if Jesus pays me salary,
Because you don't waive the rent, and the salary that I get from the job,
At least don't stop me from being loyal to my job,
I am able to pay your rent because of this job so at least that's good,
Pastor didn't feel that good, seems he is thinking of another way now!

~ Dawn

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