Sunday, May 10, 2020

Never let courage to drown in anyway...!

During this time I never gave up,
I was trying for a better prospectus,
Where I can enjoy the work and learn more,
A salary where I could meet my ends and save too,
After all to dream is not a crime!

I used to send my resume to many places,
And I would get rejection letters from there,
But I never gave up sending resume was my job,
One day a call came through for me,
It was an interview call with question and answer!

Everything was good as per the interviewee
But he felt I don't have a Canadian experience,
I also was prompt to say, give me an opportunity,
To show experience am sure you must be once in same shoes,
One opportunity every immigrant should get to be lucky!

I got an opportunity to meet the Vice President,
Interview went well had good discussion but still,
Vice President felt I will use this as stepping stone,
Later I will look for better prospectus and 
You will look for better positions as time comes,
And so sorry, we won't be able to appoint for this!

I have seen sunrise and also seen sun setting,
But I have never given up, kept sending those resumes,
There was a light at the end of the tunnel 
From Mastech company almost like signing the papers 
But something went wrong with them and it was gone too!

Like this many sunsets I witnessed during that period,
But then the Sun comes up everyday without fail, 
Same way I never let my courage to drown in anyway,
Then there was a call for training prior to hiring for a job,
Here I got the training and then the call center job too!

~ Dawn

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