Sunday, June 07, 2020

Not Human! We failed!!!!

What is racism? This is still unknown to many,
Learned about apartheid in elementary school,
But that time also it was taught as others problem,
Those who live a privileged life know nothing about it,
May be that's the reason racism, untouchability,
All this became mere a chapter in the school syllabus,
That is taught from year to year in literature,
How many tried to understand about racism?
No one validated that when they were teaching,
But everyone got full grades in the examination,
We learned to become intelligent but not human,
We always found a reason to discriminate,
Racism, color, caste, religion, you name it,
And if all this is not enough then gender inequality,
To play with people's life is like a game,
Can't believe how we call ourselves intelligent 
We achieved everything in life with education 
But, not Human! We failed!!!!

~ Dawn
#blacklivesmatter , #NoJusticeNoPeace, #StopRacism 

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