Friday, November 06, 2020

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions :)


Today a day before my birthday, I look back to the time when my Mom was expecting me. All I could think about looking back is the story that she has told me.

It must be waiting period for her but I know she was not feeling well with Pneumonia and her doctors were mainly and only thinking about saving her life. Why I say this is because she lost her friend who was also suffering from Pneumonia and was admitted in the next room in the same hospital.

As they say, life and death are part of the same play. One has to leave so that next cast can enter the show. 

"All things that have form eventually decay" - Orochimaru ~ Masashi Kishimoto

My Mom lost her best friend and she got cured and discharged from the hospital. 

I was born on Nov 7th between 10:30 am and 11:05 am, while she was visiting her hometown in Kerala, India to see her Dad who was not well at that time.

I was told my both parents were eagerly waiting for a baby girl as their first born is a boy, they didn’t want another boy!

My Dad had my name chosen already that is even before I was born he suggested Usha (Dawn in English).

"Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's season" ~ Jerry Smith

That time and now, how quickly these years went by. As a person I would not change anything from then to now as everything that has happened in my life whether its my parents, my friends, life’s experience and people that I met on my way - all have helped me to be a better person. 

Life has been kind to me and so are the people that came across in my life. It is a humbling experience and it cannot get better than this.

"One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood. ~ Agatha Christie 

But if I can talk about age, I truly don’t feel that I have grown old and I say that because, it reminds me of my childhood days.

As a child you’re nourished well for your physical and mental development and when you grow as a girl there’s more attention given as a small girl grows into a teenager and physically women and her body goes through so many changes that even now I feel I am going through those same changes.

"The true secret of happiness lies in the taking a genuine interest in the details of daily life" ~ William Morris 

As a woman you go through your menstrual cycle and the changes that comes with it in your body, your hormonal changes, your body to adapt and figure out these changes all those then and now are the same.

You eat well so that your hormonal fluctuations are minimal and you exercise more as mobility helps and keeps you healthy physically and mentally. Being an athlete it never bothered and now when I am busy with work, I do the same eat well so that the nourishment that the body should get is well accomplished and remain active with whatever time I can get and be healthy and sufficient.

"Our life is a series of moments. Let them all go. Moments. All gathering towards this one. ~ Now Is Good

So in all this what has changed? I feel today that I am that girl who was going through the changes of puberty and so the same I am going through even now.

I feel women never get old. They just keep gaining experiences to tackle with everything that comes on their way and this experience is very much humbling for me. 

"Yet, he thought, if I can die saying, 'Life is so beautiful', then nothing else is important. If I can believe in myself that much, nothing else matters. ~ Mario Puzo  

Life is beautiful and there’s so much around that nature has given us to enjoy and be thankful to be that one doesn’t need any materialistic things to celebrate.

I am thankful for this life and the people who have touched my life in one or the other ways.

Being able to see myself in great health and joy is my greatest accomplishment in life. 

Its been 15 years in United States and, after Obama this birthday brings Biden-Harris win as a gift. More reasons to look forward to humanity and love ;-) 

~ Dawn

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