Monday, April 30, 2018

Looking back to this date...!

I was lost in thoughts,
As it took me by flight,
The memories of yesteryear,
When I was still a newbie,
In a new country that I chose,
Was a newbie at the job too,
Meeting different people,
Few motivating and still,
Many discouraging each day,
It took me to think about,
A plan with some way out,
Some with temptation,
Asking to change religion,
Translating their poems,
Without any payments,
Calling it a godly work,
I lost the faith itself,
The inside me was stubborn,
Didn't want to listen,
The more they said go back,
I strongly said I stay back,
With a job that paid minimum,
Only covering few hours,
Yet the heart was determined,
With full of passion,
Being only 21 days in the country,
The courage to see the unknown,
Was like a craving fervor,
Looking back to this date,
Brings waves of emotions,
With sweet memories and lost ones!

~ Dawn

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