Friday, October 12, 2018

Not every sorry deserves an "It's Okay" in return

It's so true that one person has to be courageous and come out and then others automatically gain the confidence and courage to come and share their story.
Yes, I am talking about the #MeTooMovement that has taken like a huge storm and I hope its just the beginning.

As I was reading news and on social media about women being harassed at work place or even looked at as a piece of meat, it just gives you to reflect about so many things that has happened in your own life.
Women has the toughest job to do and that is if she doesn't want to be dependent on anyone financially and she takes up a job in a company - then its basically means you're on your own. Because if you complain then the response is 'you better stay at home'.

I know there are many women who have been home makers for this reason. When a woman at work is harassed by her manager and she tries to stop him many times and yet he never stops. It reaches to a point where your colleagues ask you if you're okay because you keep going into you manager's room who keeps calling you in his room for 1 on 1s and you end up going each time because each time he says its about the project and this stress you share at home, it's not necessary that she will get a support from her loved ones saying, lets talk about it or do something about it. They will still let her go to that same workplace, to that same manager and its that same environment where she is being sent.

"We have to have the courage to tell people when their behavior or the way they talk makes us uncomfortable."

Financial support is something a woman tries to do for her family where her thinking is mainly to support her husband and family. When a husband doesn't have a job or has a business which doesn't bring in much income the support system is on the woman. At such time when she is being harassed by her manager at work, what options she has: tell at home and see what they suggest? If there is no suggestion then you know what it means, or you change your job, but whats the guarantee the next manager is going to be good? You're taking a chance but until you find another job you're stuck with the present manager because your family depends on you.

"At the end of the day, don't forget that you're a person, don't forget that you're a mother; a wife and a daughter." ~ Indira Nooyi

Women will suffer for her family and why only women? Because women are raised that way from the beginning. They are taught you're born strong so do all the hard work and yet any issue comes just be quiet and move on because women are supposed to not complain and if it's about men then oh! no!!! never complain about them because women are such a piece of meat that they will be blamed but men won't be blamed and the bad name will come to the women.
She shared with few friends and they said, 'Complain it to Human Resources, but then no idea if the next manager wants to hire you because this will be in the system. They might keep the manager because he is an employee and then they might fire you as you are a contractor".

"Show respect even to the people who don't deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours." ~ Dave Willis

Here the harassment from the manager and no security or help from husband - both are men and what should this woman do? If anyone has an answer then do comment!  

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

~ Dawn

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