Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Any stigma, as the old saying is, will serve to beat a dogma


Today's topic may sound a bit weird but I feel, we should be able to talk about everything. Hence, today I am going to talk about body hair!!!

Body hair or androgenic hair or terminal hair that develops on human body during and after puberty. This is usually light and not much visible whether it's on a male or female body.

"Until women themselves reject stigma and refuse to feel shame for the way others treat them, they have no hope of achieving full human stature." ~ Germaine Greer

However, the topic is taking a turn because the body hair grows on both men and women but why only women have to think of shaving them or removing them ? 

Because someone has set the standard for women that they should not show these body hair which is natural yet, they have to remove it if they want to wear clothes such as shorts, skirts, or dresses.

"By telling my own story, I hope to help remove the stigma. It never should be something to hide." ~ Richard Dreyfuss

It reminds me of my school days when I was an athlete - a runner, field hockey player and volley ball player. Sometimes people used to call me a tom boy but it never bothered me.

Sports is a passion and whether I play or not watching them and keeping track of few teams whether its soccer, cricket, hockey and ice-hockey I love it all.

So when you are focused into a sport I don't think I ever gave a thought on my looks and my body hair. On the hockey field I was always with shorts and t-shit and I did a good job on the field.

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." ~ Jim Rohn

I never heard anyone saying anything about my body hair but praising my game and performance on the matches that I played for my school, which means if no one bothers you, it doesn't matter to you.

After many many years ago a friend from those days messaged me and reminded me of school days and said, we boys used to come see your game and one think we noticed that you never waxed your legs.

I laughed out to that and said, did you really watch my game that time? It didn't matter to me and I didn't get offended and I feel even today that's how I will be. I should remove hair if I feel like not because of society pressure or what men will think.

"Why we have to be so ashamed of our body hair which is natural given to us by nature?" ~ Dawn

This is something I have heard from home as a teenager not to raise hands when you wear a sleeveless top because its a shame to show your armpit hair, you are always supposed to wear clothes that will cover your armpit but guess what, my legs were not covered because I was always on the ground playing sports.

We women have to start accepting and embracing our body hair only then we can get rid of such stigma that's been imposed for generations after generation.

I think we all have the right to live as we want to, as long as we are not harming anyone, that's my way of saying let's live and let others live !!!!

PS: Watch out how many products will go down the drain ...lol!!!!

~ Dawn

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