Sunday, September 26, 2021

Farming is a profession of hope..!

It is said that the profession of farming began around 12,000 years ago with the domestication of livestock as hunters/gatherers settled down and started to plant their own food. In short, farming is one of the oldest jobs around.

This weekend I had the opportunity to visit two different farmer's market at different locations and as always my motto is to support our local farmers and since pandemic supporting location businesses is a norm now.

"Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness." ~ Thomas Jefferson

It so happened, that the town where I live, has a farmer's market on a Saturday and I had an early morning flu-shot appointment . While returning from there, I thought to drive around the farmer's market at Niles, Fremont.

It was such a pleasant view with hustle-bustle people in and around the market, just like back home. I know it will sound weird, but since last year life has somehow been turned it's back and everyone is locked up at home due to pandemic. And after that it seems like ages when I saw people around in the market and you could only imagine the vibe, the energy that transformed in that place.

"The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life." ~ Arthur Keith

While browsing around each stall I saw the Niles backing company stall with pastries and bakery items. I am sorry but coming from one of the British colonies, I have always loved my breakfast with some sweets and so I lined up to purchase some pastries. Believe me, I was lucky to be number fifth in line because after that the line got into double digits. Sometimes, when you see the display of fresh bakery items you would want to buy everything and I think that's what happened with the lady who was ahead of me and she brought for $169.00. I was excited to buy couple fruit and cheese danish, sweet potato pie, croissant with ham and cheese and chocolate cookies for my son. Only after that I went to purchase some fresh fruits and vegetables. Believe me, each time we eat those fruits we praise the farmers as it is so sweet and good in taste. I know my kids they love it and I tell them my story as growing up we always went to the local farmers who would sell vegetables and fruits what they produced in their farm. 

"The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings." ~ Masanobu Fukuoka

As soon I finished looking around and purchasing from the market, life looked like back to normal for a minute though everyone was wearing mask and keeping safe distance - the new normal!

Here they had local band playing music and that time I kept wondering what's special today? Is it music in the park that has started now?, as due to pandemic I know many artists have been impacted badly. 

I had plans for Sunday hike and hence after a short hike of 4 miles I came home and kids wanted to go for brunch and we thought to go to Livermore which is close our town and hence we went to a restaurant called Monica's. Apparently, this place is so busy that we had an hour wait but we didn't mind it as there was live music, car show and farmer's market. This one is a bit bigger than what we have at Niles.

The fruits that I brought previous day was almost over and we thought while we are here lets buy some more. It's always the thought of the farmers that comes to my mind and strongly feel like supporting them and hence I brought some more vegetables and fruits. One thing I noticed that, its not only vegetables and fruits but also small business such as boba tea shop, locally made honey, salads, dumplings, hummus, flowers, and what not. You can actually come to the farmers market and buy food and eat food as well. 

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways." ~ John F. Kennedy

Yes, I agree things can be expensive since they are organic and fresh and not chemically grown but I feel at least the money you pay for these goes directly to the ones who actually put their hard work into it.

I feel happy because when the hands that grow the food that we eat are happy then definitely the crop they raise is also happy, healthy and tasty too.

Buy from your local farmers, support them and stay healthy by eating fresh and healthy produce.

"To make agriculture sustainable, the grower has got to be able to make a profit." ~ Sam Farr

~ Dawn

Note: Now you can listen to the audio version of my blogs in Hindi on the UshaDawn Hindi Podcast on Google, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Check it out and new episodes uploaded every day 3 AM Pacific Standard Time

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