Turbo, the latest Malayalam film starring Mammootty, promises a high-octane action experience. Here's a breakdown to help you decide if it's your cup of chai:

The movie shines in its action sequences, particularly the car chase scene lauded for its choreography and execution. Mammootty delivers a strong performance, balancing humor and action. Fans will appreciate the well-done stunts and the film's energetic vibe.

The plot, according to critics, is predictable and the script struggles to find its footing between humor, drama, and action. Some characters, like the villain, lack depth, and emotional moments fall flat.

Overall, Turbo is a fun watch for fans of action entertainers, especially those who enjoy Mammootty's screen presence. However, if you're looking for a deep story or well-developed characters, you might be left wanting.

If you're looking for a popcorn flick with impressive action sequences and Mammootty's charm, Turbo might just take you for a thrilling ride. But if you crave a more intricate story, you might want to consider waiting for a different film.

One thing I must say that Mammootty's dedication to the role is incredible! Performing those stunts at his age deserves a standing ovation. Even young actors might be intimidated by that level of commitment.
